'Either we're in deep or Tookie's stupider than I remember,' grumbled Octavium. 'Magical fire in a magical library. Well, I'm clearly going to end up setting fire to the L-Space dimensions (and therefore quite possibly the entirety of space and time), so I'll take now as an opportunity to say just how great it was sharing Jorde's head with you all - unfortunately that'd be a lie.' 'Jorde, I am incredibly sorry about doing this to you, but we're going to need to shoot fire up and forwards. It's about the only way we can get light. It's a bad idea, one of the worst I've ever had (maybe even the worst), but we need light to see the shadows...' [hr] Rolling to shoot a ball of magical fire up, up and away... and adding 1 willpower to attempt to ensure that this stupid manoeuvre actually occurs. ***EDIT*** I rolled a 6. This essentially means I rolled a 7 to set a magical library on fire with magic.