[hider=Behold the world's Greatest Treasure Hunter] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Gilgamesh_(Final_Fantasy_V)]Gilgamesh[/url] [*][b]Universe:[/b] Final Fantasy V [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/GBcGnWa.jpg]The time to fight like men has come![/url] [*][b]Personality:[/b] Gilgamesh is, despite his allegiance, not one you would describe as 'evil'. He's not out for world domination, or to spread suffering to the masses. All Gilgamesh seeks is a good fight, a legit Excalibur, and a way back home. He may be somewhat selfish, and one hell of a bumbling oaf, with a bit of a cowardly streak, but if nothing else, he isn't actively malicious to random people. Though if said random people happen to posses legendary weapons, they are [i]so[/i] getting challenged for ownership. Gil is a bit of a braggart, which combined with his habit of running from troublesome battles, would indicate he is not really much of a threat at all. However, you don't end up possessing an armory of powerful weapons without the skill to wield them effectively; if left with no choice, or with an opponent that can ignite Gilgamesh's passion for battle, his true skill with the blade is revealed! He may even come to greatly respect his opponent, even if they must fight to the death. [s]He is also not fond of sentient tree-monsters for some weird reason.[/s] [*][b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Swordsmanship[/u] - As you may have guessed, this would indicate that Gilgamesh is very good with swords. He is also good at using spears. And axes. Basically, if it's a weapon, Gilgamesh will be at least adept at using it. He can even use guns pretty well, but finds them rather boring and thus, doesn't really bother with them. [u]Morph![/u] - Gilgamesh transforms into his true form - an eight-armed guy. This allows him to wield eight weapons at once. [u]Minor Magic[/u] - Gilgamesh has some knowledge of 'blue magic' (generally abilities that monsters would use), but for simplicity's sake, let's just skip that bit. [*][b]Alliance:[/b] Zuriel [*][b]Other: [/b]His weapons seem to be stored in hammerspace. Or possibly an armory that only he can access. Imagine if he could just shoot his swords out of it. Wouldn't that be cool? [/list] [/hider] ---------------------- [hider=Inanimate Terror Incoming... somehow] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] [url=https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Yuuka_Kazami]Kazami Yuuka[/url] [*][b]Universe:[/b] Touhou Project [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1644343]The face of true evil.[/url] [*][b]Personality:[/b] In a word; unpredictable. Yuuka often comes across as cheerful and friendly, and while this is somewhat true, she also has a habit of casually threatening mass destruction, and [i]maybe[/i] claim it was a joke afterwards. Her morals may be different from that of a human, but she isn't a mindless, human-devouring youkai either. Very little seems to faze her, to the point that the most surefire way to annoy her is to step on a flower. Yuuka shows great interest in those she considers strong, whether ally or enemy, and will happily antagonise them into action for the sake of viewing their power. In fact, she seems to enjoy playing the villain in general, as she will happily take the blame for any problem in the general vicinity, even if she had nothing to do with it. Given that she's used to being considered a frightening force of nature, she can come across as a bit arrogant when it comes to assessing herself against others, and has little qualms about proving her opinions as correct. [*][b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Master Spark[/u] - Yuuka's trump card, which is basically a massive laser of destructive force. [u]Flight[/u] - pretty much a universal ability for characters of Touhou [u]Flower Manipulation[/u] - She can make flowers grow, more or less. It is an entirely mundane ability. Yuuka is also a youkai of potentially-great age and renown, making her extremely strong and durable compared to humans, and even the average youkai. Combined with a regenerative ability, physical attacks will do little more than slow her down. However, she has no innate defense to magic or spiritual abilities, the latter of which can especially cripple her strength. [*][b]Alliance:[/b] Zuriel [*][b]Other:[/b] I wonder if it counts as a 'spiritual attack' if someone that doesn't believe in youkai punches her? [/list] [/hider]