[color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Satilla Valen[/h1][/center][/color] [center][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color] By the Cave [color=bc8dbf]Interacting With:[/color] Group around the fire![/center] Satilla raised her eyes from Skittles when she noticed Kyra leaving the cave. Were the talks and negotiations with the orcs over? Judging by how Kyra was not harmed then they must have passed aright without conflicts arising! A heavy stone fell of the witch’s shoulders, feeling relieve that they weren’t going to get killed right now. Then she noticed Sana also appeared with quite the haul. That must have been some incredibly skill to get all that so fast… or luck? It didn’t matter really, after all luck was even more important than skill a lot of the time! Suddenly Skittles raised it’s head, looking at something in the bard’s prey. For a moment Satilla thought if Skittles had decided to try snatch something from the meat, but she knew better. Her cat wouldn’t exactly do that in plain sight like this. He was a lot smarter than that. It took her a few more moments, but she finally noticed it as the half-orc went to stop a badger from eating some of the meat. Satilla blinked a few times, before starting to giggle at the sight. It was amusing!