[@RomanAria] so the original plan was to kill off my only character before leaving the RP statting area... Ok moving away from that, the whole defending bit is a bit off considering several elements. For one, your comparing a door as equal to a mountain pass in defensive standing is ridiculous. Mountain passes have room for a defensive force to maneuver and defeat a larger force, no one can maneuver effectively in a door except for one person either way. Aldo drakken have elemtal powers tailored for combat, why rush s defended door when you can set the door on fire? Its not as stacked a fight against Lugft as you think. Regardless a maiming is fine with me, but zaks forces getting off largely uninjured is absolutely unfair and makes no sense. I'm not asking to win, losing is fine but as the odds are not as stacked as you think it needs to make sens. Zak should take more serious injuries than superficial scratches, that's ridiculous My 2 cents