[center] [h1][color=#FAD7A0]Rebecca Addison Knowles[/color][/h1] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-07/29/14/enhanced/webdr04/anigif_original-grid-image-13742-1438194461-13.gif[/img] "вe мore concerned wιтн yoυr cнaracтer тнan yoυr repυтaтιon, вecaυѕe yoυr cнaracтer ιѕ wнaт yoυ really are, yoυr repυтaтιon ιѕ мerely wнaт oтнerѕ тнιnĸ yoυ are." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJmNjutf_bQ&list=FL1FwSD4UJxOc-_mzGJgEQpQ&index=40]Sound the Bugle by Bryan Adams[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5i7kAnU_9o&list=FL1FwSD4UJxOc-_mzGJgEQpQ&index=37]I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Jasmine Thompson[/url] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Full-Birth Given Name ☬[/color] [indent]Rebecca Addison Knowles.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Name Chosen After Change ☬[/color] [indent]Becca. Yeah, just Becca.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Sexual Orientation ☬[/color] [indent]Closeted bi-sexual.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Nyx Has Blessed Me With ☬[/color] [indent]17 years of life.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Form at House of Night ☬[/color] [indent]Fifth former, at your service.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Affinity Given by Nyx, Herself ☬[/color] [indent]Spirit.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Hidden Talents Provided by Our Goddess ☬[/color] [indent]I can use throwing knives fairly well. 99% of the time I hit my target. Rarely do I miss, but when I do, it really gets to me.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Place of Birth ☬[/color] [indent]Portland, Oregon.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Short Biography ☬[/color] [indent]My mother died when I was young. My father raised me, and at the time that I was [i]marked[/i], we were going through some financial issues. I somehow by some miracle found the tracker who marked me and had him help me explain to my father that I had 'gotten a scholarship to a special school', and that it was located up in Seattle. It wasn't my 'home' House, but it was the one I wanted to attend. Ironically, it's also where my tracker was from. No one really knows why he came all the way down to Portland, but I guess that's where Nyx led him. To [i]me[/i]. Now I've been at the Seattle House of Night for 3 years. Well, going on my third year, anyway. I've never felt more at home.[/indent] [color=#FAD7A0]☬ Also Knowing ☬[/color] [indent]I don't really have anything else to say. Sorry.[/indent] [hr] [hr] [center] [h1][color=#196F3D]Mathew Tanner Wakoviak[/color][/h1] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/BO8pdvjwgfTP2/giphy.gif[/img] "yoυ нave тo leт people go. everyone wнo'ѕ ιn yoυr lιғe ιѕ мeanт тo вe ιn yoυr joυrney, вυт noт all oғ тнeм are мeanт тo ѕтay тιll тнe end." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex9AWegauJM]I'm Still Here by John Reznik[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMfzPbONyVA]Little Wonders by Rob Thomas[/url] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] [color=#196F3D]☬ Full-Birth Given Name ☬[/color] [indent]Mathew Tanner Wakoviak.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Name Chosen After Change ☬[/color] [indent]James Tanner.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Sexual Orientation ☬[/color] [indent]Heterosexual, dude.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Nyx Has Blessed Me With ☬[/color] [indent]19 years.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Form at House of Night ☬[/color] [indent]Sixth former, this year.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Affinity Given by Nyx, Herself ☬[/color] [indent]I actually don't have one.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Hidden Talents Provided by Our Goddess ☬[/color] [indent]I've been good with a sword since I was a boy. Father put me through fencing classes from the time I hit 5 till I was 14. Shortly before my change.. after I [i]did[/i] change, though, I became outstandingly well with a bow. Not perfect by any means, but I'm quite the marksman.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Place of Birth ☬[/color] [indent]Mirrormont, Washington.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Short Biography ☬[/color] [indent]Before getting marked, I lived a very luxurious life. My family was very wealthy, and when I became a fledgling, they acted as if I'd died. They disowned me, changed their numbers and moved away almost overnight. Well, actually.. they did. Went to sleep with a full house, next morning the only thing that was still there were my personal belongings. All the furniture, the family photos, gone. I was left with no other choice but to go to the House of Night in Seattle. I mean, [i]of course[/i] I had no choice. It took me quite a while, and me nearly dying, to figure that out. This will be my last year here before I go off and do my own thing in this dog-eat-dog world. I can't friggin wait to make the Change. It's getting to be too much here at this school. So much drama. I want to be a vampyre already, and not have to rely on being close to one just to survive.[/indent] [color=#196F3D]☬ Also Knowing ☬[/color] [indent]I've got a [url=http://cdn.thecatsite.com/e/e7/500x700px-LL-e7953215_112612-030.jpeg]cat[/url] that watches over me, here. His name that I've given him is [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/c9/cc/20c9cc49d7ac3a0da1f1635a2b482f6f.jpg]Kovu[/url], because his fur coloring makes him look like the lion in Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. Don't judge me. I loved that movie as a kid.[/indent]