[center][h1][color=17A589]Carla Lobo[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/lnGMMNCcU187S/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=17A589][b]Location:[/b][/color] Cargo Bay[/center][hr] Carla began the tedious process of sorting through the deliveries made to the Retribution before she left Persephone. Last minute medical supplies, a laundry list of office supplies and maintenance equipment, and nothing of note. She turned and made a survey of the cargo bay. Everything was stowed securely and she couldn't eliminate based off of size. She eyed the giant black box, made a puzzled expression, and shook her head. [color=17A589][i]It's never that obvious.[/i][/color] More than a good portion of these boxes could hide a man and an arsenal's worth of gear. Checking each and every box sounded menial and the thought exhausted her. [color=17A589][i]Maybe I'm just paranoid?[/i][/color] [color=17A589][i]Well, yes. But idle hands.[/i][/color] She then re-checked the terminal and looked for Harper's name. Personal gear and effects all checked into his quarters. Nothing else of note. [color=17A589][i]Or you're not as good as you think you are.[/i][/color] She sighed, rolled her eyes at her own frustrations, then noticed a name she hadn't seen before right after Harper's check in. Jahosafat Moreau checked on board with a clearance level reserved for Alliance royalty. [color=17A589][b]"What did you check on board, stranger?"[/b][/color] An image came to her mind: the stranger who dismissed her and treated Quinn like his errand boy and didn't give a name. Carla still had to hazard that these two were one and the same. [color=17A589][i]Or else Foy is up to using false aliases again.[/i][/color] Carla made a mental note to check Foy's deliveries later. He always got the best contraband. As she examined the terminal, she made note of the notes of a yeoman attached to a very large crate received and taken into the custody of Jahosafat Moreau. Carla blinked. [color=17A589][i]This man can get a huge black crate put on a ship with no one checking what it is?[/i][/color] She started to dissect the yeoman's sparse notes and see what the description of the cargo was. The large black box loomed over her.