[@Komamisa][color=7CFC00]It would've been rather intense. Honestly, I was in my fledgling phases of writing in '06; so I probably wouldn't have been very good if you had encountered me. ^^ Edit:[@rush99999] Surprisingly it came down to an argument with the staff about 'aiding an exile in their return' (my words)...after all of the other things I had done. There were no chat filters on the site before I showed up. I didn't argue with people, a lot, or anything...but I had a bad reputation. I quit, a while before the ban set in. After winning a contest to see who would be the playing the leader of the Dawnguard. That was me kind of spitting in everyone's faces, given how they'd come to treat me around there. I suppose I earned some of it...but there was certainly a growing stigma against me and my threads, at the time.[/color]