[@rush99999] The Order of the Fervent Meridian (I totally made up the name because "Ardent Dawn" is a rather common guild name) often lends its ample services in the form of supplementary peacekeepers throughout the city of Delad and its suburbs, with special attention to the more troubled areas where guardsmen are in short supply or the local nobles may wish for a more private form of security. So, it wouldn't be much of a stretch that a young, noble to a fault, well-to-do maiden of a knight with a heart aching for love would make easy prey for a thief with quite the ladykiller charisma. Whether Adira herself was the mark, or Dodger managed to slip away by charming her attentions away from a mark's residence is still to be decided, but I'd find it fun to add her to the army of girls of whom The Green Amnesia has broken the hearts of.