[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] A[s] trap [/s]cave full of friendly orcs [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] Kyra, Keystone, Orc Leader & Brezcar[/center][/b] Cyne stared at Keystone for a moment when he replied. She had no idea what he had just said to her, whether it was positive or negative, nothing. But he didn't linger on his reply, so it probably wasn't important. Luckily for her, it was something addressed directly to her, so she didn't have to translate it. Probably. But she did decide to paraphrase/translate both Keystone and Kyra's parting words as one entity since they both said basically the same thing. [color=#17c311]"Sharaz suzagut-u Salarn-hai brus-ulu prakhumu. Molku suzagubut-gusta u dafrum. Ghashkrum brusub-irzi aanug."[/color] [u]They're willing to talk to the people of Salarn, but they're going to talk it over with the group. We'll have an answer by morning.[/u] Cyne followed Kyra and Keystone out of the cave. It took everything she had not to breath a big sigh of relief over not having to translate any more of Keystone's... unique regional dialect. Unless dinner brought on guests of the Orcish sort. But at least then Ntaj would be around to provide backup.