Leon stared down his little human as she teased him about wanting to go surfing. Of course, his idea of being the big bad Leon towards her has melted away from how he was prior to their bonding. She really had changed him, despite the little it showed on the outside. She had broken down many walls of the Wild Lion of the Heavens and he couldn’t imagine what he would be like if she didn’t. He owed that to his little goldfish, his beloved goldfish, [i]his[/i] goldfish. It would be like her to think of his goddaughter, Jo was so thoughtful and caring. In addition it was no surprise that little Isabelle had taken a liking to the woman and that, that was very important to him. Upon the kiss to his neck and the squeeze to his hand he let out a small sigh of defeat. “Let’s go.” With that he gave her hand a squeeze in response and walked over to the door. Pulling it open, there was no surprise to find the little blonde tumbling into the room and after a short-lived conversation the three left and returned to earth. The Gods ran to them as soon as they arrived and began breading the three with questions, concerns and some lectures. The three of them fielded all the questions the gods had for them before Leon announced he was bored of the conversation, drawing it to a close and the three left the house with beach gear in hand and clothes to change into once they arrived. And per Isabelle’s begging, they climbed into Jo’s jeep and began their journey to the coast.