[center][h1][color=gray] Elin Meagher [/color][/h1][/center] Now halfway through her second mug of mead, Elin was feeling a little more open to conversation. The man in the bowler hat was currently conversing with a curious armored man that crackled with blue electricity as he moved. [i]How strange,[/i] Elin thought, frowning. [i]His aura. It almost reminds me of— [/i] A grin stretched over Elin’s face as she realized that the occupant inside the suit was none other than a lightning elemental. Elin had met a few of them already, and they, like sylphs, tended to either stay in the sky and float around with the other spirits of weather or come down to earth and enjoy a pseudo-humanity like Elin herself. An air of superiority tended to float about the spirits that chose to remain ‘connected to nature’ and it repelled Elin even more than the prospect of spending a day or two as a idle breeze. As she thought about it, Elin realized that it’d been too long since she’d conversed with another about the dull life in the skies. She had been feeling like blowing some steam about the last sylph she’d met while traveling—unapologetically rude and openly judgemental about her choices. She couldn’t even get rid of him until he left willingly since he stayed in his incorporeal form. [i]Why couldn’t they just have a little respect and mind their own business? You don’t see me going around and complaining about how they live… Er, you do, but that’s beside the point.[/i] Rising from her seat at the bar, Elin made her way over to the fellow weather spirit. “Hello—lightning elemental, right?” Elin asked, introducing herself offering a grin instead of a hand. She knew better than to hold out her hand to an unacquainted lightning conductor. “So, what brings you down from the ‘heavens?’ How long you been around here?” [hr] [@RedXCross]