[center][color=darkslategray][h2]Iyato Kujo[/h2][/color] [i]A horror appears, The request for rope denied :( Many ups and downs.[/i][/center] He'd followed Todo after his request for rope had been [s]completely[/s] largely ignored, still carrying the chair. And there they stumbled across a new arrival. One Miyako Inoue, not someone he could say he knew about, or was talked about. But of what little was said, there were some conjectures regarding the real reason for her unfailing politeness. None of which were bad, but the fact that there were conjectures at all was an amusing idea. Imagining how those conversations could turn sour brought a smile to his face. [quote=@Lonewolf685] [color=yellow]Well aren't you doing well for yourself, Shizune. This group looks like a real keeper, assuming they don't all kill each other, that is.[/color] She laughed, standing between them and the escape they sought. [color=yellow]"Ooh, looks like you found the portraits. Hope none of you try to mount Mr. Ed over there. He'd sooner be mounting you tidbits if you don't run quick enough~"[/color] [/quote] [quote=@TheWindel] [color=ed1c24]“That’s our cue to move,”[/color] she told everyone, gripping Mikiena’s hand and moving in whatever direction that carried them away from the yellow-eyed girl. So it would seem the horse was on their side after all, the pale thing snarling at the yellow-eyed girl once more before leading their group further and further away, deeper into the spiraling, never ending hallways of their nightmare school. [/quote] [b][color=darkslategray]"Any reason we can't just take her?"[/color][/b] Iyato asked no one in particular. [b][color=darkslategray]"I'm feeling very reckless, and I think this chair would agree with me."[/color][/b] [hr]