Semi-ironic responses from a fucking pinko. I know communism doesn't work because I have a friend in Economics 101, and am well aware that it's sole purpose is to cause massive famines that kill sixty million people. It's just that the USSR experienced population growth from 1930 to 1950, and when your country EXPANDS in population after being invaded by the Nazis and killing 20 million people (thanks Black Cook of Communism!) then it means that people are having A WHOLE LOT OF FUCKING SEX. And I want in on that shit. Ancaps: Yes™ definitely™.™ Sign™ me™ the™ fuck™ up™ fam™.™ It™ isn'™t™ slavery™ if™ it'™s™ a™ V™ O™ L™ U™ N™ T™ A™ R™ Y™ contract™!™ (™Sentence™ Structure™ is™ a™ registered™ copyright™ of™ the™ Google™ Empire™,™ as™ is™ Trademark™)™ MRA: IDpol smh. Feminism: Essential part of the glorious revolution. Unless it's modern feminism, in which case IDpol smh. SJW: IDpol smh. Libertarians: At least they're not ancaps. Brexit: Good and all, but when can we have a united 32-country republic in Ireland? Race-Realism: [img][/img] Yes like half of this is jokes. But this sums up my opinions of these labels.