[@ZekariVoblis] Overall the sheet looks fine but they are a few continuity issues. This RP is set in the first five or so years of superhumans being discovered. Now magic has existed for a very long time in this world, but before this time period, very few people would have known of its existence much less invest enormous financial resources into magical research. Governments certainly would have studied magic after the first superhuman appeared but its very unlikely they had such a large effort beforehand. If any group would have experimented with such a thing it was either a very specialized corporate interest or an occult group. It wouldn't have been so widespread and institutionalized. So the origin needs a bit of reworking, perhaps it was some corporation or sorcery group or perhaps even a classified government operation that performed the research. But it would have been very secretive, very small, and very illegal. And I believe we hit our cap for Canadian characters, you could pick something Western European or even Australian though. Other than that there's no issues I see with the sheet. So if you want to make a few adjustments we should be good to go. [@Banana] Good to hear it, no rush to post, get one up whenever you're ready.