[b]Lower deck 1---> medbay[/b] Luna looked to the crew member, and grinned, a laugh playing around in her voice [b]"Well, it certainly seems like I am, but what does that matter?'[/b] She ducked her head, preparing for the wave, [b]"We must all nbe a little mad to be here"[/b] She drew in a deep breath, and closed her eyes tightly, ducking her head closer against one arm. As the wave crashed over them, Luna held as tight as she could, knowing that if she let go, she'd be swept away, never to be seen from again. The cold of the sea water would have been shocking, if she hadn't already been half soaked from helping to put the fire out. Even with her eyes closed, the salt stung her eyes, and a cut she hadn't known she had gotten stung badly. As she was pushed violently against the support, her breath escaped her in a woosh, creating bubbles as the water washed over them. Within seconds, her lungs burned for oxygen, and she had to fight the natural instinct to breath. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, the wave was gone, and they were cresting it. She drew in a deep, relieving breath. And another laugh escaped her, a joyful, breathless one. They were alive. They had survived one challenge. Catching her breath, she shook her head, her hair, already messy, stood up everywhere. She didn't try to flatten it, as she stood up, turning to the crew member that had saved her butt so many times today. At Edward's words, Luna realised she didn't know his name. [b]"Thanks again. I'm Luna. Ah, I'm one of the medical staff"[/b] She smiled, [b]"A pleasure to meet you. Ed, I'm going to go see if anyone needs medical attention, save me a plate okay?"[/b] Turning back to the crew member, she said [b]"It probably won't be the last time I use you as an anchor. Or anyone else, for that matter. So...I hope that doesn't bother you"[/b] She leaned up, and kissed him on the cheek, simply relieved to be alive, [b]"gotta go, now! Whoa, how'd I manage to hold onto my supplies?"[/b] Amused, she darted off, taking out a sodden bandages. Well. She'd just have to make do. If anyone needed serious attention, she'd get them to the infirmary. She checked everyone that she could over, and figured if they were walking, then they were fine for now. Once satisfied, she darted off down the halls of the ship, dripping water, seemingly not caring about that. She stumbled upon more then found the medical bay. She was sure she looked a fright, covered in sea water, hair all over the place, clothes dishelved, bruises probably starting to show, and that damn cut stinging. Yet she was still smiling, apartently thrilled with everything that had been going on. She took in the sight, unsurprised to see it a mess. She was sure everything was thrown about in that wave. [b]"hi"[/b] She said brightly, enthaustically, [b]"Sorry it took me so long to get here, there was a fire, and then the wave...well, anyway, I'm here now! I'm one of the medical staff, a nurse"[/b] She said, happily introducing herself. Trotting over to what she took as her boss here, she offered a hand to help them up, [b]"Wow, you really had a time down here, too huh? A broken bone already? Although that's not surprising. Everyone seems to be okay though, which is amazing considering everything!"[/b]