[color=00a651][center][h1]Ethan Blackledge[/h1][/center][/color] The girl looked sincere when she started to tell Ethan about the situation at the school. She started to talk about self defence, but Ethan was semi professional cruiser weight boxer. He replied with, [color=00a651]"Yeah I can handle myself in a fight. I've been boxing for around fifteen years."[/color] An Irish woman chuckled in the background after Nikki said she was the most dangerous woman about. [color=00a651]"That doesn't surprise me, I've never met an Irish woman who wasn't dangerous."[/color] Ethan started to laugh with them as well. After she continued to talk, she mentioned someone dying. It hit Ethan then that it wasn't just him that had lost people. [color=00a651]"I'm... I'm sorry."[/color] That was all Ethan could say for now. She said her goodbyes and went off. Christian, the boy who took all his weapons showed him to a room and then quickly disappeared again. Ethan chucked his beg on the bed and laid down next to it.