Name: Ra'al Thraine Age: 27 Race: Sarakaine Appearance: [img=] Gender: Male Height: 7'2'' Abilities: Increased dexterity and speed, immense strength and above average intelligence. Has a third lung that filters out noxious gases. Skills: Talented hand to hand and weapon combatant, proficient marksman. Rank: Class B Brief Bio/History (of both your character and race): Ra'al or simply Ra was,as he felt, born too late into existence. His race on a downward spiral from the war that had occurred centuries before his birth, scattered and broken across the galaxy, he lived a life of constant running and hiding from Ebolorian forces. His parents taught him all that they could of his heritage as they jumped from planet to planet, getting what work they could as mercenaries or merchants, as they had told; The Sarakaine race were a noble people, bred and genetically modified for war they conquered their own and many of the surrounding solar systems, allowing what they deemed 'lesser races' to become a part of their empire. Their rapid progression soon led them face to face with their first formidable foe, the Ebolorians. Neither race would bend to the others will, war broke out and for many years, proud Sarakaine warriors gave their lives for their homeland, never yielding and never losing an inch of their territory to the Ebolorian threat. The fighting came to a stalemate, neither race having a great enough advantage over the other to push an overall victory, that was until the day Ebolorians branched out into another sector of space to discover a race known as Rhevarians, whose technology and knowledge dwarfed both races. Somewhere along the line they took that races planet and forced their scientists to formulate a bio chemical weapon that was destined to doom his people, sending their advanced biology into overdrive, morphing them into mindless biomass that produced the same body altering chemical. The effect was slow and devastating as medical personal tried to figure out a cure, bringing back test subjects to their home planets without knowing the adverse effect the chemical would have on these subjects later on. The story burned a deep seeded hate in him for the Ebolorian race and the Rhevarians for succumbing to their power and becoming the manufactures of his kinds fate. Soon enough Ebolorian forces caught up with their ship, his mother perishing in the crossfire and his father to cruelty of his tormentors as they were shipped across space. For Ra'al they had another idea, a way to shame his race further after all these years, publicly displaying him at their mercy as he fought in the hellish arena of their home world. Affiliation (if any): None, his pride keeps him from befriending any of the other races.