[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [color=orchid][h3][center]Inside the ambulance[/center][/h3][/color] [@OtomostheCrazy] [@Heckno12] [@AbysmalDemon] As the girl opened her eyes, Sophia let out a breath that had caught in her throat. [color=orchid]"C-Careful!"[/color] she said, watching the girl try to sit up. [color=orchid]"You-You collapsed... right after..."[/color] She trailed off, barely able to talk about it. [color=orchid]"The Pokemon... they're ok, they're all ok..."[/color] She passed the three currently empty Pokeballs to the girl and gestured around at the six Pokemon. Gothita gave a squeal of relief as she looked up at the other trainer. Purrloin jumped up with a subdued "Purrr..." and gently rubbed her head against one of the girl's hands. This was nothing like the excessive affection she tended to show while causing mischief. Sophia had no idea what had gotten into Purrloin and Gothita earlier, but whatever it was seemed to have passed. [color=orchid]"We're... we're on our way to Mesalon... you'll be ok, you'll just need checking over..."[/color] Sophia continued to explain. No matter how she tried, she didn't know if she could say anything reassuring. Should she leave it to Rheese? Should she really have been the first one to speak to her, even though there wasn't anything else she could do? [color=orchid]"I'm sorry..."[/color] Even though the words sounded empty, the apologies wouldn't stop. [color=orchid]"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."[/color] Through the small windows at the back of the ambulance, behind the group, Windshire disappeared into the distance.