[@DepressedSoviet] Welcome to the Guild then! Josiah looks good, but you'll need to read through the rules before I can accept him. [@bluetommy2]Lauren looks good too, looking forward to seeing his way of communcating with the others. But before I can accept him, read through the rules again. [@Stekkmen]Con-man, aye? Looks like the new sheriff will need to straighten you up then! Do you prefer to not use a picture for your character, or did you forget? Do you plan for his backstory to be revealed later on, if not I'll have to force you to flesh it out. [@KoL]Okay? Do ellaborate, what do you mean by "aesthetics of choice"? [@TheHumbleMagnificent][@Sigurd][@FallenTrinity] I'll get the OOC up later today, so that you can have your CS's posted and (perhaps) approved there :P Glad to see so many people interested, but I feel that we might need to close it off for others soon. Stay tuned!