Well...this was new The last thing Morty remembered, he was surrounded by guards as they prepared to give him an early execution. But now he was in a strange place with strange people. Hell, one of them didn't even look human. "Either I be dead, or th' rum be a lot stronger then I be used t'" Morty chuckled. "No, that's nah it. I feel as alive as ever, 'n I be nah feelin' any o' th' other effects o' bein' drunk. 'tis all real" A quick check of his person showed that he still had all of his things; including his trust firearm; Diplomacy. "I be nah sure where 'here' be, but 'tis a lot better then th' gallows. Ye saved me life, 'n I be nah th' kind o' scallywag who let's his debts go unpaid." Feeling hungry; Morty walked over to the table with food and grabbed so fruit. If there was one thing he learned from his time at sea (and he learned a lot), it was to always eat fruit when you could. That miracle food fought of scurvy, the bane of all sailors. After he finished one, he turned to the solo female among them "calm down lass. Ye're makin' everyone else tense wit' that behavior. 'tis likely t' start a fight that no one really wants." Back at sea, overly jumpy people tended to react in a manner that was harmful to their fellow cremates. Although in her case, it seemed different. Less panic and more primal. Then Morty addressed the rest of them "So, since we be goin' t' be workin' together fer th' foreseeable future, I reckon it'd be best if we got t' know each other. Ye can call me Morty; I be a pirate, 'n I 'ave trouble wit' scallywags that 'ave more political power then they do sense." Looking over at their host, he asked "by th' way; jus' wha' was that queer beastie ye were arguin' wit' afore?"