Karn had slipped away from the others, though was fairly aware of what was happening. The crew greeting their new guest, a knight of sorts. The feline didn't particularly care as long as they get the job done. Which was getting the said 'princess' to Lindbulm safe and sound. Then they could go do whatever the fuck they want. Debate wars, offer peace treaties, chat up nobles, play the game of thrones or whatever the fuck rich bitch folks do. It was a world the demi-human had never been a part of, and it wasn't something she particularly cared for. Or perhaps she was just used to living in the mud. Plus, she liked predictable back-stabbers better than quiet ones. Much easier to stab back. So they could go and bicker like cats and dogs as much as they like. High society and scum don't exactly mix, but hey, didn't matter if the goal was the same. Or if the same path leads to individual goals. The feline had climbed on top of the mass of the ship, lounging on the wood high above the ship. The roar of the propeller above loud and evident. Yet she didn't mind, she had the best view after all. It was normal for Karn to find odd places to take a nap, just like a cat. Usually, it was high places like this, or perhaps some small cramped space she managed to curl into and hide. Depends what she was in the mood for. Emerald eyes opening slightly as she looked out to the sky, the feel of the wind and flight giving her... a feeling. For a change. Actual genuine feeling. It was nice. Unconsciously, she drew a hand to her rib, then her utility belt. Fingers teasing against a flap hiding the vials of her medicine. It was mildly annoying, to have to fight harder just to be useful. To be on par with foes she had to go up against. Only to know that in the end, her time was limited. Yet it was more annoying, that she wasn't afraid of it. Still, she ponders why she was here. Why she wasn't in the ground somewhere? Was there really a point? Reality like dealing itself with a punch to her face every time something like this happens. Logically, she didn't see much point. But she wanted to see just how long she could go. Plus, she did have at least one goal in life to get to so there's that. Taking a deep breath, she forcibly withdrew her hand from her medicine pouch and lied on her back, hand resting behind her head. Fluffy golden tail lazily hanging over the edge, swaying along with the wind.