[h1][center][color=orange]Hoverfly[/color][/center][/h1] As Chris could see that other people were beginning to trickle out of the room, he decided the time was right for him to make his way home as well. After saying look at the masked woman one more time, he glided out of the open door before landing on the floor. The bar now had nobody left in it, so he told the other workers that they could leave. He walked out before closing and locking the door behind him. Chris made his way back to his apartment. It was a decently nice place. Although it did need a bit of a clean, Chris noted. It had been a long night, and Chris placed his phone next to his bed before he slept to remind himself to take it when they all met up tomorrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Chris was flying over the city to get to The Archer. The cool air in his face felt amazing whenever he was flying high. He had decided to put on his yellow and black hoodie, as he always did when he was fighting crime. He looked down and saw the roof of the archer below, and started to descend. He landed on the roof and jumped down outside the door and strolled in, past the bar and down the corridor to the back room. He decided to have a little fun, and floated so he was on the ceiling, and then crawled over the top of the door frame, and onto the ceiling of the back room. He called out a hello to everyone down below. He seemed to have been the last one to arrive. He spotted Luna talking to Rose, and the Atlantean guy wearing what seemed to be a suit of armour. Chris sighed to himself. Could this guy get any more cocky? He floated down onto the ground and said to Joshua - [color=Orange]"Nice costume bud."[/color] as he attempted to hold in the urge he had to laugh.