Name: Scott Gerr Age: 14 Appearance: [img][/img] Power: Smoke (Shapeshifting into smoke, creating smoke from his hands.) Bio: When Scott was a kid, he was almost always silent, causing many to believe he was mute. His foster parents always despised him, saying that he was a demon child, as they were a strange type of religious, believing a mute child was an agent of the devil. At school, he would never have any friends, no matter where he went. He would constantly be shut out from group activities, causing him to grow more and more distant from society, as he got older. He would change from home to home, until he met one with foster parents that loved him. However, they got in a car accident one day. The officers reported immense amounts of smoke coming from the vehicle. They searched the vehicle, not able to find his body. They were astonished when he materialized from the smoke. He then ended up at the orphanage, at 14 years old. Personality: Scott is usually silent. His mindset is looking after number one. He is a cold and calculating boy, even at the orphanage causing kids to stay away from him. If you get to know him, however, he will be very kind. He won't ever betray you. He will never let what happened to him happen to others. He despised the crushing loneliness.