[center][h1][color=fff200] ATTENTION [/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3] [color=fff200]We have come to a place where everyone is not writing and it's holding up the rp so I have decided to do something extreme. In the next post I write there will be an explosion in the building and it will be blown sky high. If you want to keep writing in here you can write yourself as surviving and meeting up with Nikki. If you don't want to then don't write anything and we'll presume you are dead and move along without you. Whoever is alive is welcome to join them on the trek to Texas or Oklahoma. I know Jon and Kyle will survive but as for the rest of you this should be interesting. I hope to see you on the other side. [/color][/h3][/center] [@Demonic angel][@belle][@meowgoeskat][@dabombjk][@kurai assassin][@josephb][@alexfangtalon][@aintitfun1997]