[@Silent Observer][@Universorum] Last charrie :) [hider=Estella Rostow][color=gray][center] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5kMjg1NzAuUlhOMFpXeHNZU0JTYjNOMGIzYywuMAAAAA,,/alex-brush.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JjVs7FM.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][h2].:| [color=darksalmon]Est[/color] | [color=darksalmon]Fifty-four[/color] | [color=darksalmon]Married[/color] | [color=darksalmon]Heterosexual[/color] | [color=darksalmon]Female[/color] |:.[/h2][hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m839ucsC421r9q3ezo3_500.gif[/img] [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5RWEJ3WldGeVlXNWpaUSwsLjAA/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] At first glance, you wouldn't really expect Estella to be a day over fourty. Some say that she's had surgery, others say she won the genetic lottery - but the secret behind Estella's still somewhat youthful appearance remains the secret to everyone but her. With the help of flattering make-up and with the right diet, Estella obsessvely ensures that she always looks the best. Her full, light pink lips are always curled into a smile, whether faked or real depends on the person the smile is directed at. Her eyes show a warmth that, after you talk to her longer than ten minutes, you realise is nothing but feigned charm. Estella ensures that not only her looks are at it's best, but also the style of clothes she wears. When out and about, Estella wears only the best. Her wardrobe is filled with designer labels, including that of her husband's, and she makes sure that she's never seen in the same outfit twice. Even when lounging at home, whilst she's a little more relaxed, Estella has to look good. [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXeHBkSGssLjAA/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] Looking back at Estella's childhood, it's almost a given that she was going to end up as such a person. Stubborn, blunt and with an ego bigger than anything one has ever witnessed, it's a surprise to see Estella still 'happily' to this day. Being raised with a princess complex has made Estella a very impatient woman. When she demands something, she wants it [i]now[/i] and any minute she has to wait any longer is a minute she'll spend lecturing you about the importance of keeping track of time. There is nothing more important to Estella than her own happiness. She's selfish and she knows it. And the thing that keeps her the most happy is when she's in the spotlight - whether as a model or anything where she's the most important person in the room. Hell, she doesn't even care if the attention is [i]bad[/i], just give it all to her. However, Estella knows that she is growing older and its getting harder to catch any jobs for her despite her status in the fashion industry as [i]Aron Rostow's wife,[/i] and she's hoping that maybe one day she'll be able to retire from the modelling world to spend some time with her husband and adopted child and [i]maybe[/i] find happiness elsewhere. But for now? She'll try to leech as much attention from the media as possible. [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5TR2x6ZEc5eWVRLCwuMAAAAA,,/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] Estella McKinley was born the youngest child, the first daughter, in a family of six. With three sons already there to claim their share in the McKinley & Sons law firm, little Estella was left with nothing but the love of her parents. Not that Estella minded one bit: she couldn't give a single crap about law, but she still had her parents wrapped around her little finger. They were unable to refuse any of their [i]darling princess's[/i] demands, and would often work hard to ensure that Estella grew up to face no hardships at all. And one of Estella's last requests before leaving her grand home in London? An even grander home in America where she can follow her ambitions - to be the most talked about person in all of the western world. Forced to start small, Estella scowled at the thought of being lumped with the newbies in the beginning of her career - often calling up her father to force him to pull any strings he could to get her pushed higher up the career ladder. There was no such thing as hard work in Estella's dictionary; not when she could simply call her father for help. It was difficult, but with her father's contacts it was doable for the first year or so. It took only a year for the girl to slowly climb the ranks, to feel that importance she craved and she [i]loved it[/i]. Sure, she still had a long way to go before she was a supermodel, but at least she was a [i]somebody[/i] in a world filled with nobodies. It was during her climb to the top where she met Aron Rostow, another nobody with big dreams. But Estella could see the determination, the [i]potential[/i] in the foreign man from which she decided to give a little [i]nudge[/i] in the right direction. Estella was sure that if this guy made it big, it would benefit her just as much. It was a slow task, but it eventually paid off. Rostow eventually began running his own fashion label, one where Estella was proudly modelling for as well as his own magazine. Estella never realised [i]when[/i], but soon her relationship with Aron grew from partners to something a little more. The romantic relationship gave her opportunities that were once locked, and soon she settled down with Aron to secure her place in the fashion industry as an [i]important somebody[/i]. Aron was a good man, and part of Estella did fall in love with the man - but the selfish part loved herself just a little more... Which is why Estella lied to Aron. She claimed she was barren, that she was unable to carry his child only to protect her body from becoming unattractive. The small part that was in love with Aron felt bad, the man was accepting and it caused her to feel guilty the longer they were married. Eventually though, the two ended up adopting their child to fill that empty space left in their little family- a child that Estella spoils just as much as her parents spoiled her. Now with Aron retired from the game, Estella has been struggling to find those jobs she'd loved so much all those years before. It didn't help she was growing older in a world that demanded the youthful perfection only others could provide. She tried everything else to remain important: taking up roles in acting (something she still does from time to time), trying out singing (eventually realising she wasn't exactly talented in that job then quitting) and even trying her hand at creating her own label. With the realisation dawning that she wasn't [i]important[/i] anymore, Estella now grows more bitter. With their move to Lakewood, Estella wonders whether she'll be able to be a good wife and mother for her family, as well as come to accept that the public simply doesn't care about her anymore. It'll be hard, but maybe... [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5UMk5qZFhCaGRHbHZiZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] Inherited some of her money, but likes to think that she's still relevant enough to be in the media and public's eye by either being a part of the fashion industry, or taking up [s]small[/s] roles in TV shows. Nothing glamorous, but if it makes her feel important then she'll do it. [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5TRzlpWW1sbGN3LCwuMAAAAAAA/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=darksalmon][b]Fitness freak[/b][/color] | To keep herself fit and perfect, Estella follows a strict dieting and fitness routine to ensure that her body... well... never shows the sign of ageing. [color=darksalmon][b]Spa trips[/b][/color] | If you ever wish to find Estella, it'll always be at the country club. When she's not busy in the gym, she can be found relaxing in the spa with her weekly downtime. [color=darksalmon][b]Book club[/b][/color] | I mean, why not? What better way is there to waste time other than getting wasted for fun? Drinking is the only [i]unhealthy[/i] thing Estella will do. [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQyODU3MC5VbVZzWVhScGIyNXphR2x3Y3csLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAA/tell-us-pangaia.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=darksalmon][b]Aron Rostow[/b][/color] – [i]Husband[/i] – At first, Estella thought their relationship was the best way for her to walk the path of fame, but over the years of their marriage it's safe to say that Estella has grown to love her husband. [color=darksalmon][b](Adopted child)[/b][/color] – [i]relationship[/i] – TBD [color=darksalmon][b]Shutzy[/b][/color] – [i]Pet[/i] – No matter how endearing, Estella will forever keep her distance from the mutt, cautious of allergies. [centre][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/vpwh5hq5k6kOA/giphy.gif[/img][/centre][hr] [/center][/color][/hider]