I'll most likely have something up tomorrow. This was my first weekend off in probably a year, I spent these 48 hours getting in touch with my inner couch potato and, in the words of many a high school deliquents- "didn du nuffin" Moving on: I think we need a billet system set up for our team. Since we are a 4 man team, to keep things simple I say go with the standard 4 man team set up. READY, TEAM, FIRE, ASSIST. Eats can be our riflemen (READY) Morse the Team leader (TEAM) Wolf Automatic Riflemen/ support by fire (FIRE) Doc Assitant A. Riflemen/ medic (ASSIST) Break down of command in a 4 man team: Team leader Automatic Riflemen A. Riflemen Riflemen Obviously we are a bit more elite than the standard T/O rifle team, so cappabilities and responsibilities would change according. As far as member placement within the team goes.... Obviously we've established Morse has the team. Since Wolf both has the M27, the current weapon platform for the Automatic Riflemen in the USMC, and since he is going to be overwatch it seems best to not have two leads out with each other, keeps internal command integrity from being compromised, and since doc is with Wolf, he gets to be the Assistant A. Riflemen. Leaving Eats as our pointman, alone and unafraid at the front. Thoughts? We can use different titles, I'm just trying to come up with something with a bit more organization as far as roles and responsibilities go. And they can change depending the deployment type.