[hider=Josiah Murphy] [h1][center][color=Green]Josiah Murphy[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/ra3ur4.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][center]Character basics[/center][/h3] Name: Josiah Solomon Murphy Nicknames/alias: "Sarge" for those aware of his military history, "Mick" generally for when people learn of his Irish heritage. Age: 38 Place of birth & ethnicity: Dublin, Ireland, Irish Gender: Male Occupation: Bounty Hunter, occasional deputy. [h3][center]Character appearance & personality[/center][/h3] Appearance: Josiah is an average-sized man, not much taller than most, and a relatively normal build. His brown hair is beginning to grey with age, and his face is wrinkling with the same. His green eyes are losing their youthful shine, dulling to a more mottled color. His muscular, but aged body bares several scars from knives and gunshot wounds, and he walks with a slight limp in his left leg. Clothing: He wears a brown leather duster in most occasions, with a dirty bandana around his neck, an old US Army uniform shirt underneath. He wears long khaki pants tucked into black riding boots. He has a pistol holster at his belt, and a rifle sheath slung over his back. Personal style: He generally sticks to long shirts and pants, with his usual riding boots and leather duster. In winter and cold weather he swaps the duster for a thick US Army double-breasted cavalry overcoat from the days of the Civil War. Personality: A gruff, stern man, he hates lawbreakers and other criminals, often wanting them dead as soon as he hears of them. He's a notorious drinker, and a damn-good cards player. Habits: When he's nervous or cautious, he'll often light up a cigar to calm his nerves. He makes a sure note to get at least one drink from the bar in every town he visits, as an odd sign of respect. [h3][center]Skills and items[/center][/h3] Regular life skills: He's strong, a good rider, great at giving orders and directing others, a good tracker, a fine cook, and a decent marksman Combat skills: He's trained in use of cavlary sabers, revolver pistols, and repeater rifles. Items on your person: His normal outfit, up to $10, a few cigars, a hip flask for alcohol, his Colt Dragoon revolver, and often a repeater rifle in his back sheath. Additional stuff: A week's worth of spare clothing, his winter coat, spare ammunition for his rifle and pistol, his cavalry saber, a small framed photo of himself when he made Sergeant in the army, his horse, and a Catholic Bible. [h3][center]History[/center][/h3] What brings you to Haylliesburg: He's mainly looking for solid work as a deputy or other lawman, maybe a place to settle down. He's grown a bit tired of hopping from town to town looking for bounties, and would like a full-time job somewhere. Your life before coming to Haylliesburg: Josiah was born in Dublin, Ireland, and lived there until he was about 4 years old. His parents had heard about the wonders of the United States, and decided to migrate there. With him, his parents, and his older brother, they lived in a small, dilapidated apartment in New York, with his father as a dockworker, and his mother schooling him and his brother to the best of her ability. When his brother grew old enough, he left their home and looked for work out west, occasionally sending back letters to tell the family how he was doing. This inspired young Josiah to want to make a life for himself out west as well, where the biggest opportunities presented themselves. However, when Josiah came of age, the American civil war had begun, and he was one of those chosen to serve. Having been one of the few inducted to serve in the US Cavalry, he took to it well for someone raised in the city. He would go on to reach the rank of Sergeant by the end of the war, and would leave the Army once the war had ended. With only his government stipend and the skills of a fighter, Josiah decided to set out west, taking up work as a roaming bounty hunter and lawman, helping towns fend off bandits, but never staying in one place for too long. [h3][center]Extra[/center][/h3] Anything else you feel needs to be added, but doesn’t fit anywhere else. [list][*][url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3918948[/url] [*]Do the Red Dead games count...? I kid. I really enjoy most of Clint Eastwood's movies.[/list] [/hider]