[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi4wZGRhZGUuUVhSc1lXNTBhWE1nVTNSeVlXNW4uMAAA/disturbo.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mccrepsKRd1rpyr0vo1_400.png[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] My Beach Bitches! [u][b]Interaction With:[/b][/u] Jade - [@Altered Tundra], Jack - [@gowia], The Fight [/center] [hr] Tis lay in the sand, half dress in a daze. She wasn't sure when exactly Jade left. She might have said something, maybe a goodbye kiss. Tis giggled at the obscene thought. Jade with a goodbye kiss, like that was going to happen. Snuggling back into the sweet soft embrace of the sand, Tis listened to the waves of the ocean until her head stopped spinning. Finally after who knows how long, she pushed herself to her feet and walked back to the party. It was her beach after all, she couldn't just not be present. Walking back, Tis noticed that music had changed. The DJ was singing or something? Like [i]wtf[/i]? Rolling her eyes she mentally noted she needed to slap Rhett for hiring someone so unconventional. As soon as she thought about Rhett, he ran right passed her. Confused she followed along slowly and watched him deck Jackson. Why was he figh- oh. His little sister Sunset or something? Bratty little fresh must have snuck into the party under Rhett's nose. Smirking at the unfolding events she stood to watch it all play out. [color=00aeef]"Five bucks on Rhett!"[/color] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5iYTIxMjEuVjJsc2JHbGhiU0JCYkdWNFlXNWtaWElnVTI5dGJXVnkuMA,,/asphaltic-scratch-rounded-perso.regular.png[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yz1sU7wb8YM/VdMxLlwCANI/AAAAAAAABdE/fmZs6K1P6Kk/s320/0d1b756e351880de3ce3df8e2cdd6862.jpg[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Atlantis Strang's Private Beach [u][b]Interaction With:[/b][/u] Sophie Blackthorn - [@Ace of flames01], Hayden Lewis - [@Filthy Mudblood], Isabel Espinsosa, Juliana Espinosa, Rhett Aspen, and Summer Aspen- [@lovely complex], Jackson Drake - [@Altered Tundra], Tis - [@me] [/center] [hr] Will stared confused as the girl he knocked over completely ignored his offer for help and ran off. Did he scare her? He was a big guy, but he was friendly to most everyone. Taking a deep breath he shrugged it off and walked towards the water. Ignoring the temptations to get wasted Will beelined around drunk stumbling teens and stood in the water. A year ago he would have said this water was freezing, but after Tis he honestly didn't feel it anymore. When Tis and him had been dating they had been the perfect beach couple. They were always in the water surfing or swimming. Tis had introduced him to contest surfing, which he was terrible at, but was always fun because he got to meet a lot of people and surf in a lot of different waters. Shaking his head again to rid it of thoughts of Tis, he rubbed a hand through his hair and stared out into the ocean. Noticing a girl over to his left Will started walking over to say hi. He was at a party and thus obliged to make some new acquaintances. Plus it would help him get his mind off Tis. [color=#ba2121]"Hey, hows it going? You're Hayden right?"[/color] One thing Will had always been excellent at was remembering peoples names. It really helped when he was drunk. [color=#ba2121]"What are you doing out here in the cold water?"[/color] Before she could answer him Will heard a loud commotion on the beach. Turning around he saw a fight breaking out. [color=#ba2121]"Aww shit, hold on give me a sec."[/color] Knowing he would probably end up cursing himself for getting involved he broke into a run. Will got their just in time to catch Summer as she was pushed away from the fight. Still being sober he was able to put it all together pretty fast. Rhett was upset, Jackson was getting punched, and Summer was struggling to get in between them. The poor girl would only end up getting hurt if she did. The flailing hands and kicks did little to stop his strong hold on her until Isabel and Juliana showed up. Even though he didn't like the two of them all that much he nodded his appreciation. He knew that they would at least take care of Summer until everything was over. Now that Summer was okay, Will stepped forward to intervene in the fight. Rhett was ontop of a drunk Jackson hammering into his face. Quickly reaching down, Will grabbed onto the back and Rhett's shirt and threw him back into the sand behind him. Will turned around to face Rhett, not too concerned with Jackson, but trying to make sure Rhett didn't turn his anger towards him. Either way he liked his chances seeing as he had 8 inches on him, a load of muscle, and boxing training. Still, as much as he may want to kick the ass of the potential future king, he was just here to intervene not fight. [color=#ba2121]"Calm the fuck down Rhett."[/color] A familiar voice filled the air temporarily distracting him. Was that Tis? Betting on the fight? Will grimaced as he looked at her in the crowd that had gathered around the fight scene. [color=#ba2121]"Tis, can you not?"[/color] he practically growled.