Hey, let me try. [hider=click if you give a shit about what I have to say] [b]Men's Rights Activist (MRA)[/b] I thought this was supposed to be a joke. People are actually invested in this? Menenists actually exist? Men have rights, at least in the country I live in. No need to activate them. Just in case though: [color=red]THESE MENS RIGHTS OF MINE ARE BURNING RED! Their toxic masculinity tells me to subjugate women! ERUPTING! BURNING! RAPE CULTUUUUUUUUURE![/color] [b]Anarcho Capatalist[/b] Probably not if I'm wondering why this sounds like a shitty anime title. [b]SJW (Social Justice Warrior)[/b] I think auto-correct fucked you over on this one, fam. You probably meant "Social [i]Just Us[/i] Warriors." In that case, no. I see no good in this. From experience, it just turns men into cucks and women into crybaby weaklings (which, I thought, they didn't want to be seen that way). Again, from experience, they're rude, irritable, and hate anything that white and male or does not conform to their views prejudices. Actually got a couple of them as friends on my FB, and I get a daily dose of the shit they share on their timelines. And they wonder why I look to Milo to help maintain my sanity. I have to PRETEND that I agree with their horse shit just to have a pleasant conversation with them. But hey, at least they're easy to fuck around with, especially when I get to use their poison against them. SJW: I mean, as a guy, you see what I'm talking about, right? You are all born sexists and racists. Me: Um, for one thing, HOW DARE YOU assume my gender. I am non-binary, atheist, and majoring in Gender Studies. I just got out from a safe space not 10 minutes ago. It is YOUR toxic masculinity that led you to believe that just because I have short hair and a penis that I'm automatically a man. I demand a sincere apology before we can continue. Otherwise, I will call rape for the 10 seconds of unwanted eye-contact you gave me. SJW: .... Me: Rape Apologist. *walks away* [b]Feminist[/b] This is like taking drinking water, pissing on it, and still calling it drinking water. However, I have an ironic sense of humor. I'll call myself somewhat feminist based on my Roman Catholic belief that all are equal in the eyes of God. So, like, in my faith, we hold female saints and the Virgin Mary in high regard. We thought it was cool to adore Joan of Arc before Fate/Grand Order came around. Yet, I am still called sexist. [b]Brexiter[/b] I don't give a shit. I'm sorry. [b]Gamergater/Pro Gamergate[/b] No opinion or side to take because I lost track of what real issue was here. [b]Race Realist[/b] Race baiting. ;D [b]Libertarian[/b] Sounds less toxic than Republican or Democrat. Why not? [/hider]