Preferring to wait until everyone had entered the room, Jacque had saw it fit to remain relatively quiet beyond a chipper greeting to each of the team as they arrived one by one, the only other noises that came from the bokor up until that point being the occasional shifting sound beneath his hat, and the soft, rhythmic tapping of his foot on the small duffel bag that sat on the floor before him. He'd watched as the team interacted whilst waiting for others to arrive, noting with no small amount of amusement the way Roxy had acted towards Luna. '[i][color=00746b]Hoo boy, we might have us a love triangle on our hands[/color][/i]' He thought with a sly grin before his gaze flickered over to Luna. For a moment he pitied her, from her reaction last night to the idea of everyone using phones the girl sounded as though she was the sort who had to pinch pennies to get by. He wished he could help, however he was only slightly better off than she was, plunging a majority of his funds into rent, car insurance, phone bills, and groceries in addition to buying whatever spell components he couldn't grow or forage for on his own. What little remained was set aside so that he could one day open up his shop. Jacque's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the remainder of the group, and by Chris' announcement regarding his development of an alternative means of communication. "[b][color=00746b]Well alright Fang! Way t'pull through dude![/color][/b]" He chirped before rising from his seat, being careful to neither step on his own bag for allow his hat to fall off. Jacque sauntered over and quickly plucked up one for himself, taking a moment to marvel at the little earpiece for a moment before he gave thanks to the genius for his contribution. "[b][color=00746b]Well then, guess i'd better pull my own weight around here too, no?[/color][/b]" He asked no one in particular prior to returning to the bag and opening it with flourish. At first glance the bag simply seemed to be filled with multiple towels, however as Jacque plunged his hand into it to rummage around, the clinking sounds that emanated from within soon proved that this was not the case. "[b][color=00746b]Golemn...scroll...aha! Here we are![/color][/b]" He shouted before producing from the bag a small corked glass bottle. The liquid within the bottle was nearly neon green in coloration and sloshed around thickly within it's container as the bokor waved the bottle back and forth. "[b][color=00746b]I whipped us all up a few health potions for in case things get dicey. I didn't exactly have the necessary prep time to make something really potent, so don't go expecting 'em to be much good if someone takes a shotgun blast to the chest point blank, but they should be fairly useful in fixing just about anything short of a broken bone or serious bullet wound. Just don't go drinking them if you're perfectly healthy; the results...well, they aren't pretty.[/color][/b]" he said with a slightly nervous chuckle, "[b][color=00746b]Oh! Also, fair warning, I haven't really figured out how to manipulate how they taste. They always seem to come out either as [u]super[/u] sour or a mildly unpleasant bitter. All to more reason not to get hurt really.[/color][/b]".