[center][color=thistle][h3]Bexley Leahy[/h3] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md4vrjiH7I1qd7fc3o1_250.gif[/img] Obstacle Course Bexley woke up with the sun on the roof of Cabin One and stared up at the slowly brightening sky. It had become a habit of her's to sleep under the stars, it was a habit that had been hard to shake. Luckily, the cabin's roof emulated the night sky above her but sometimes it wasn't enough for her. She laid there until the sky was a light blue before she decided it was time to actually get up. She slowly stood up before she walked to the edge of the roof and lowered herself to the ground. Wandering back into her cabin, she took off her pajamas, switching them for a pain of jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. Pulling up her hood, she headed out again to where she knew everyone would be gathering. She strode up to the obstacle course and stared up at it. She didn't have a plan or just about anything that she knew the other kids probably had thousands of. That wasn't who Bexley was as a person. She was a girl who went with the flow and something as sporadic and unpredictable as this obstacle course wasn't something someone could plan around. This wasn't about how smart you were, it was about how fast you could react. That's why, despite not appearing prepared to start at all, the moment people took off Bexley wasn't a beat behind them. She raced toward the obstacle and when she felt it jumped. One foot landed on the silver pole, the other swinging through and launching her further and higher. Flying though the air, it seemed like she belonged, it was her father's domain after all but she didn't need any assistance here. At the last possible moment, the apex on her jump the spinning platform, that was at the top of the rope ladder landed beneath her hands. She caught it, her body spinning slightly as she suddenly got ripped to the left. Taking a deep breath, Bexley pulled herself up from the ledge and found her footing on the platform. She stared at the climbing wall for a good long moment, waiting as other campers pushed and pulled the pegs, then she saw her opening and started to make her ascent. [/color] [/center]