4 of the 8 warriors had awoken, all displaying different personalities, just as he predicted. The Amazon seemed paranoid and guarded, and understandably so, she was in a room full of what she would have percieved to be the enemy for most of her life: men. The Ronin had stayed very quiet and seemed to just be listening before he made any decisions. The Pirate had taken the inititive to start talking and introduce himself, while the Viking quietly inquired about their situation to him. Artemis now had some hope that this just might work. [i]Herleif, I'm afraid I am just a simple scholar interested in portal science, I'm not a fight promoter. All my knowledge of combat is derived from history books on famous wars and watching the occasional exhibition match here in the Arena, this proposal for you to fight was pretty much improvised on the spot, I had to dissuade that scumbag hakkan from confiscating you...[/i] [hider=Dimen-stone] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/the-crystal-chronicles/images/e/e6/Purple_crystal.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130909180914[/img] [/hider] Artemis put a hand into his coat pocket and approached Herlief and Morty slowly brandishing a purple crystal, it was humming with an unnatural glow, and even Artemis looked visibly intimidated holding it. [i]This was the source of my mistake, gentleman. These crystals are called 'Dimen-stones' and they are sometimes found at the scene of a random portal openening. I have been secretly collecting them for the last 2 years, hoping to harness and control the portals, but I was hasty, I initiated an experiment based on opening portals to your worlds and times, but it seems as if the effect has caused you all to spill into my world at once. This was not my intention, but you are all here now and we have to make the most of it. Luckily you seem to all have your armor and most of your weapons with you. You will need them for the arena.[/i] Artemis shoved the crystal back in his pocket with a look of relief on his face, he then motioned all 4 of the councious warriors over to the hotel window which overlooked the coliseum. [hider=Grimache Arena] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4016/4429268858_8404970fff_b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]There are 4 matches against the Hakkan Ludus that you must complete to earn enough money to buy your freedom: The first is a standard 2 on 2 battle, a pair of you will have to fight together to fight the opposing team to the death. The second is a party exhibition match 4 of you will face a single 'champion level' foe, trust me when I say youll need the numbers to deal with what he throws at you. Thridly there is a 1 on 1 special match where a single warrior will face another in combat but the arena will transform into a hazardous stage. I commend the bravery of those of you who feel up to this. The fourth match I have no details on, hopefully if we have completed the first 3 we wil be ready for anything, decide amongst yourselves who will be taking on which challenge. I'll offer as many details as possible. [/i]