[@Vas Khaleen] I hate to be that guy, but I can hardly imagine Lily being allowed to remain in the Confederate Army after revealing her gender. One thing is her brothers-in-arms accepting it, another thing is her superiors. Having a woman fighting a man's war is not something to be taken lightly on. She would surely be sent back home, with or without any further punishment. So having her fight as a woman is something I cannot allow. And fun-fact, TNT wasn't used for military use until 1902, so what did her husband blow up? Booze? :O [@TheHumbleMagnificent]Where did Mr. Lau learn to use that firearm, and for that matter where did he learn to disarm and deflect people? [@FallenTrinity]Looks good so far, will you continue to work on it until you're satisfied? [h3][color=ed1c24]Important announcment for everyone[/color][/h3] Since apparently I was unclear on one of my rules, I've rewritten it so that everyove should get it, seen as only one of you actually understood it. No offense.