Stun silently observed the events unfolding on the planet surface without as much of a comment, or even a blink. It had the cannons under its command primed and lined up, waiting for the command to fire, remaining oblivious to Aylvs reaction upon its unelegant arrival at the bridge. It did take note of the [color=a187be]"Yiss!"[/color], signaling an overly emotional response to the eye-piercing arrow hit, however. The Pho Arghos had observed a variety of alien races show this kind of behavior in the middle of combat, and while it didn't entirely approve of euphoric overreaction during crucial combat situations, it has come to accept and tolerate over the decades. It kept watching ground teams successful extraction due to the distraction a single fighter managed to produce, and when the small ship turned into a ball of dissolving, burning metal, Stun produced a brief clicking sound. It knew next to nothing about O'Hare, never had a connection to her, they barely even exchanged words since Stun's arrival on the Monroe. The clicking sound was the closest thing to regret a Pho Arghos would express, but this was not necessarily regret over the loss of a life. It was more likely regret over the loss of a capable pilot, of a potentially talented soldier Stun would never get the chance to exchange war stories with or fight alongside. That, and the loss of a fully functional ship. Among others of the Pho Arghos race, this was an unusually sentimental gesture, and Stun wondered for a moment whether the biological's nature had finally rubbed off, reminiscing of countless deaths it had witnessed without the slightest twitch of an optical nerve. Then the moment was over, and the hybrid pushed itself to renew its focus. Stun noted the increased emotional turmoil of its fellow crewman shortly before Kaite fired three bursts of artillery and produced an electric noise as it evaluated the situation, formulating its own reaction to this. When, against all probability, no hectic orders and rebukes came through the comm channels, it decided against berating the Aylv and instead continued to formulate the appropriate status reports. "[color=f7941d]Three percussion rounds inbound.[/color]" Its clinical voice came through the comms, disturbing the shocked silence. "[color=f7941d]Three confirmed hits. Target retreating.[/color]" The hybrid kept its attention on the information feeds until the shuttle reached the Monroe. Deciding that the primary target was unable to pursue in its current state, Stun returned its unused cannons back to standby. It loosely noticed the state Kaite was in and decided not to interfer, knowing that it was likely the least suited out of all the Monroe's personnel to offer emotional comfort. 8-Ball included. The sound of the bridge doors opening, followed by the captain's presence however brought movement into the Pho Arghos' frame and within a second it was next to the Aylv, standing to attention. Since Kaite had already said everything and Stun didn't intend to needlessly point out the missing fire order, it simply stood there in silence.