[hider=Renè Reno][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjViNDhjNy5VbVZ1dzZnZ1VtVnVidywsLjEA/cafe-francoise.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1av4pFFBo1r6hxuw.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [h2].:| [color=slateblue]N/A[/color] | [color=slateblue]18[/color] | [color=slateblue]Single[/color] | [color=slateblue]Pansexual[/color] | [color=slateblue]Male[/color] |:.[/h2][/center] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] |:. [/center] [indent]Renè is quite the tall individual, taking after his biological parents – standing at 6'5, with a medium muscular build to his limbs and chest area; the guy works out now and again, but it's more for convenience than vanity. Things are easier when you're stronger and fitter. As for skin, it is smooth for the most part; naturally, a few scars from living a non-sheltered life, but nothing major marrs his dark brown, somewhat umber-toned skin. Renè has a handsome face, with full lips; well-defined cheekbones and eyebrows; and a smattering of stubble should he forget to shave every other morning (Which he does – frequently). Said face can usually be seen pulling emotive expressions now and again, in which case, is the most emotion he will profess in a situation. Otherwise, his dark chocolate eyes are somewhat hooded; eyelids lazy, oft hidden behind a cloud of cigarette smoke emanating from his mouth and nostrils. Should his black, dense, springy hair grow long enough (AKA. When he doesn't give in to his Mother's nagging to have it cut), he'll generally have it loose. It's got too much strength and a mind of it's own to be tied back, beyond perhaps a bandana or hairband pushing it away from his eyes. As for clothing style, it would be described as laid-back. Although never going as far as to wear something dirty or sweaty, Renè hasn't much care for clothing, nor brands – probably due to the fact he and his Mother didn't have an over-abundance of money when he was growing up. Also, because he couldn't give a damn about labels. Therefore, he just wears a lot of plain stuff; jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets; all probably unbranded. The only one he has really taken to is converse; never owning more than two colours at a time, but he can usually be seen walking about in them. For colder weather he has heavier jackets, usually sheepskin; also some battered leather boots that he's had for years. [/indent] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] |:. [/center] [indent]Renè is a man of few words – not that he doesn't speak much, but when he does, such words are chosen carefully. Not that he isn't intelligent; her certainly is a bright fellow, always having done well in his classes regardless of the subject. He is no stranger to hard work, after all – he just prefers to not waste energy on pointless speeches. This often gives him a rather apathetic air... which, in most cases, isn’t incorrect. Renè picks and chooses only a select few things to waste his time and energy on; apathy most likely occurs for other things. However, one shouldn't assume Renè is uncaring in anything; for his true passions lay in the simplest, perhaps most important things of life; friendship, love, imagination, food, humour, music... the basics of a human's life. Most other things – politics, social norms or classes, religion – they don't bother him. Yeah, everyone's entitled to their opinion – but if you're going to hurt someone with it, keep it quiet man. Although it doesn’t surface very often, Renè does have his mother's temper. And it isn’t pleasant upon witnessing it. [/indent] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] |:. [/center] [indent]As far back as he can remember, Renè lived in France with his mother, and with no contact with any other extended family (Beyond his mother's close friends, who were often known to him as Aunts and Uncles despite the lack of blood relations). There was no contact from his Father, his grandparents, or the one Uncle he knew was related to him by blood – there were no ties to this side of his family. However, this rarely bothered him. In fact, nothing really bothered Renè throughout his life – he was a fairly apathetic child, just as he is apathetic in many things now. If someone were to tease of bully him in school, the offender would be confused by the lack of reaction from Renè; he saw no real threat, and any physical threats were met with a calm – but sturdy – punch to the face (or other more, delicate areas), and he was never teased after this. He felt no real need to continue animosity, just as he felt no real need to make fast friends. He made them anyway, regardless of the way he felt – there was something assuring in his constant state of calm that attracted his school-mates too him, for the most part. He didn't complain – Renè found a group just as relaxing as being alone to his own thoughts. If one of his friends suggested an after-school activity or sport to him, he'd always give it a try. Never really made a difference to him; particularly sports, but he was never one to shy away from trying new things. Emotion truly hit him at the age of 12; his mother had been complaining of headaches for a few weeks, but neither had worried. Surely, it was just stress from her heavy hours; while helping her son grow up to be a decent enough individual. However, it wasn't stress; an aneurysm can often occur without any real reason - or at least, any decent one for a 12 year old orphan. Anger and grief was felt, naturally, but he didn't express it, just as he rarely expressed emotions earlier in his life. It went inward, and by the time he received the news, went to the hospital first, and then a foster home, he had no words left. This silence continued for some time, before something rather unexpected happened. He was adopted. There was suspicion in the young boy at first; there were other, far more desperate and friendly children in the home he stayed. Younger ones too; not many up and coming parents wanted to adopt an adolescent boy... too much trouble, and all that. But he could hardly refuse the offer; the home wasn't the best of places, and every place he went back to in his neighbourhood or his old life hurt too much without his Mother. A new place, a new family... it could help him. However, he did feel some sense of unease when being told he would be moving to America with his new parents. He'd never really heard favourable stories about the place – for a place known as "Land of the free", it had far too many restrictions and discrimination that held against that title. Nevertheless, he complied; moving to a strange place with strange ways – still unused to the sudden abundance of money and onslaught of fancy. His father didn't spend much time with the family, what with work and the like; but Renè could respect that. Work was a better excuse than his real father had anyway - which was non-existent. His new mother tried to spoil him, but there wasn't much he wanted or demanded from her. One of the best presents he received were his pet snakes ([i]his babies[/i]), but the constant presents and lack of punishment from his mother was somewhat unsettling. He rebelled in his own ways; quietly, by beginning smoking and drinking at the age of 15. Not in an over-the-top manner, nor simply because he wanted to annoy his parents. He just... wanted to. Alcohol - specifically wine - was a usual staple with his meals back in France, and he had no intention of abandoning that tradition. New York was fine; he integrated without any real issues, and kept any grief he had still in his heart; nobody needed to see it. Not his new friends, not his new parents, and not himself. Furthermore, the news of his father's retirement and moving of a new community didn't have much of an impact on him. He has enrolled at the local school, finishing out his very last year in compulsory schooling there; although other rules he still rarely adheres to. In France, the rules of smoking and drinking were far less stringent; nor was there a curfew. It would not be uncommon to see him breaking said rules in Lakewood; not of a sense of rebellion, but of alienness. Such a constricted life is odd and unfamiliar to him. [/indent] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b][/color] |:. [/center] [indent]New student at the local school; is tempted to look for a job like he had back in France, as he's still unused to having such an abundance of money on hand.[/indent] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]H O B B I E S[/b][/color] |:.[/center] [list] [*][b]Painting[/b] - A hobby he picked up from his mother as a child; alongside enjoying the work of other artists throughout history, Renè dabbles in it himself. He'll say he's no Da Vinci, but he certainly has some modicum of talent with the brush – particularly in portraits. [*][b]Cooking[/b] - His mother worked a lot of hours, so Renè learned to cook at a very young age. Naturally, he started off with chips and spaghetti; simple recipes. Now he can knock up a decent dish with no trouble; and his desserts are divine. The souffle however... needs work. [*][b]Smoking & Drinking[/b] - He'll freely admit they're more of an addiction than a hobby, but it's one he handles well. He doesn't get many negative emotions after being without either for long, but he would much prefer they stay in his life; regardless of America's silly rules about it. [*][b]Climbing[/b] - A wonderful way of keeping fit and retaining his strength; also, in the areas of nature he'll so often visit for climbing, he finds them to be isolated and peaceful. [*][b]Camping[/b] - Is there anything better than sleeping under the stars? He'd sleep out in his back garden just to look up at the beauty of the night sky and be among nature. Bugs don't bother him as much as it bothers other people... particularly in his neighbourhood. [*][b]Snakes[/b] - Well, the snakes themselves aren't a hobby, but looking after them is. A present from his mother to make his new life in America seem a bit better. 3 snakes; a Corn snake named Dewie; a Ball Python named Hazel; and a Burmese Python named Toulouse. Cute lil things, in his eyes. [*][b]Horses[/b] - He's always loved [i]les chevaux[/i], but hasn't had much chance to spend time with them; nor does he want to say to his mother that he likes them. She'd probably purchase him a whole stable in response. [/list] [center].:| [color=slateblue][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/color] |:.[/center] [indent][b]Estella Rostow[/b] – [i]Adopted Mother[/i] – Renè does appreciate what Estella tries to do for him, but there's more to affection than lavish presents and the like. He'd like to see what she's like beyond the money, and after just over five years together, still hasn't found it. [b]Aron Rostow[/b] - [i]Adopted Father[/i] - Renè doesn't know Aron as much as Estella, what with all the time spent away with work; however, he respects the man for this. He works hard, and has done all of his life; he'd never hold that against the man. Renè is used to living without a Father, after all. However, there is some form of tangible tension between the two - Aron has certain expectations for Renè that Renè has no intention of following through. [/indent] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Gabriel Clarke][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjA3N2Y5Mi5SSElnUjJGaWNtbGxiQ0JEWVhKc2FYTnNaU0JEYkdGeWEyVSwuMA,,/distro.light.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/5df6a96bbd60ba128bd402259a727175/tumblr_n0kd1fjgAp1si3tc1o1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [h2].:| [color=teal]Gabe, Doc[/color] | [color=teal]42[/color] | [color=teal]Single[/color] | [color=teal]Pansexual[/color] | [color=teal]Male[/color] |:.[/h2][/center] .:| [color=teal][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] |:. [indent]Gabriel's 6'2, broad shouldered frame is a fit one; liking to keep on top of his health with various physical activities, it would be safe to call his body a toned, if muscular one. His skin has a weathered, tanned look; what with having spent most of his life in hot, sunny countries. Small raised scars are scattered along the right side of his legs, body, neck and arm; remnants of the humvee attack in Afghanistan. The white scar tissue is all the more evident the more tanned he gets, but he doesn't complain; they're not particularly disfiguring, and he lucky to have only been injured by shattered glass in that incident. In addition to this he has a few tattoos here and there; his daughter's name on his calf, and the "rising sun" emblem of the Australian army on the inside of his ankle, to name a few. Gabriel's face has so far remained unmarred in terms of major scarring or tattoos; although having usually been clean shaven in his younger years, he'll occasionally let his beard grow out before getting sick of it after a few weeks and shaving it all off; said beard is the same dark brown colour as his hair, which itself is kept styled to a certain degree, and never too long. He has retained his Australian accent far more than his daughter, but it's not particularly a strong one. He has on occasion used Aussie slang that had confused people in the past though.[/indent] .:| [color=teal][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] |:. [indent]After a lifetime of being surrounded by the sickly, dying, or even dead, Gabriel tries to make the most of life as possible. Going on various and random adventures, it'll be rare for him to shy away from something new. He may not like it when there, but at least he gave it a go. In addition to this, he likes to surround himself with [i]energy[/i]; liveliness, passion, enjoyment. Everything that can light up a room; and this applies to people too. More often than not he'll find people who emanate that kind of energy; although he does have friends that are a bit slower and older, others are generally younger than him... especially when it comes to matters of the loving kind. His partners - be they one night stands or something more meaningful - are rarely above the age of 30. It would have to take a special kind of someone for him to overlook something like that. Face to face, he can generally be found to have a somewhat cynical outlook on life; although he does his best to enjoy every bit of it, he understands life is often a bitch. Bluntness and a lack of tact is also a trait of his that's he's quite happy to keep, despite his daughter's complaints. There's a reason he became a surgeon rather than a general physician; people don't talk while they're sedated. Well, unless it's brain surgery or something – and he doesn't do brains, he does hearts. However... all of this aside, Gabriel is quite the pleasant individual. If he's particularly upset someone with his blunt words, he will apologise – and try to do something to make it better. Because he hates seeing sadness in people; and this often brings out a gentle kindness in him that one wouldn't assume was there.[/indent] .:| [color=teal][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] |:. [indent]Born in Perth, Australia, Gabriel's career had always been clear to him. He enjoyed helping people, and with a Father as an Army nurse, the medical track was something he had reached for since a child. So much so that while other children were reading books about pirates and animals, he'd be poring over a biology book – at that age he didn't understand a lot of the words, but the pictures always interested him. As the years went on, he slowly but surely achieved his goal; following in his father's path, he joined the army at 16, then training to become a doctor through the military by the age of 18. It was here he met Charity – a cheeky young Private, going down the Officers route. They struck up a friendship after more than a few visits to his office (Charity was rather clumsy for a prospect soldier), and this then developed into romance, and then into love. Although never marrying, they were lucky enough to have a beautiful daughter called Zoey by the time he'd hit 26. The year the followed, and several after, changed Gabriel, and also changed Charity. In 2001, the towers fell, and the war in Afghanistan started. Neither of them had seen real live combat before; not in this scale, anyway. Although they were able to find childcare for their baby daughter with grandparents and the like, it was still hard to leave her; especially both of them. While Charity remained with the artillery, Gabriel became both a surgeon and a field Doctor; when there was a lack for various reasons, he was pulled out onto the front lines to aid his fallen comrades. The best way he could describe those years would be hell – the only reprieve he had was when he got to go home and visit his family. After nearly 4 years of coming out of fights unscathed, Gabriel finally came under fire; a convoy, and a few IED's hidden in the road. A flash of light; the truck going up in the air, screams... and then darkness When he awoke, he was back at the military compound; his group had been surprisingly lucky – no-one had died, lost limbs, or received any serious injuries. Including Gabriel... and yet, he could not stop the shaking in his hands for weeks. Not the best trait for a surgeon. After pegging it down to a psychological issue, Gabriel was able to get an honourable discharge under medical grounds, and began therapy back home in Australia. While talking through it helped, he likes to believe it was his home and family that really made the difference. His daughter would no longer be growing up trying to remember what he looked like; and his parents wouldn't be worrying day and night as to whether or not he had died in action. Things were looking up... that is, until Charity came home. Something had changed in her too. Although having not been on the front lines (As the law had dictated for women at the time), she had clearly seen the same horrors he had; her spark of youthfulness had drained from her, and she seemed to have lost her love for him – and their daughter. At first, he'd put it down to stress; negative effects of a warzone. Until that is, she threw a curveball into the mix. Charity's reason for coming home so soon had been down to pregnancy – and it certainly wasn't Gabriel's child, as he hadn't seen her for a good few months. This changed things; with a Doctor-ship and an honourable discharge tucked neatly into his files, Gabriel decided it was time for a change; partly to get away from his cheating girlfriend. He could forgive falling out of love with him – Hell, he could forgive the cheating – but the way she brushed their own daughter aside so effortlessly was not something easily forgotten. And so, the now single father and the 5 year old Zoey moved to America; a promising job already waiting, and that pesky shaking of the hands dealt with. The years went by, and Zoey grew up happy; he had a steady job - specialising in cardiovascular surgery and becoming outstanding in his field - and after taking a chance with a few small businesses, even had a small pocket of money from stocks to make things comfortable. However, out of the five businesses he bought stocks from, 4 were doing particularly well for themselves. In no time at all they were getting into the news more and more, and by the time his daughter reached the age of 15, Gabriel had amassed nearly £3 billion in his shares across the 4 separate companies. It was a shock, but a pleasant one. After hearing good things about Lakewood from his older friend James, Gabe decided to move from inner city California to the rich, gated community; also cutting his hours at the hospital for a more relaxed lifestyle. He had plenty of money for it, along with trying to make his daughter happy – without spoiling her.[/indent] .:| [color=teal][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b][/color] |:. [indent]Gabriel still works as a surgeon, although certainly not as much as he used to. However, if his particular talents are needed for a tricky operation, he'll usually be happy to drop whatever he's doing to go and help.[/indent] .:| [color=teal][b]H O B B I E S[/b][/color] |:. [list] [*][b]Kayaking[/b] - Gabriel's always enjoyed water, and has been a strong swimmer since a child. Kayaking is one of the several water-based sports he's enjoyed for years; Zoey joins in too sometimes, although prefers surfing. [*][b]Surfing[/b] - Another favourite sport of his; both Australia and California are famous for it's waves, and for good reason. He and his daughter can spend an entire day out in the ocean surfing. [*][b]Barbecues[/b] - He probably had a barbecue party every week, because he just loves it so much. The food, the booze, the atmosphere; fun for all the family, plus, you can get pissed as much as you want in your own back garden and nobody's going to complain. Maybe he should throw a house-warming one, get to know the neighbours? [*][b]Documentaries[/b] - Gabriel loves documentaries; be they medical, geographic, or about animals. As such, he's amassed an astounding amount of trivia about random topics, and will happily chat away about any of them. [*][b]Vices[/b] - He likes to think he doesn't have sex enough for it to be classed as a hobby, but with the amount of time's he's had one-night stands with strangers and been called a man-whore by his teenage daughter, Gabriel's begun to think otherwise. As for the smoking and drinking, well... if he's feeling down, they help bring him up. And if he's feeling up, they make him feel even better. [*][b]Bones[/b] - What? No, not like skeleton bones. It's the name of his dog. Well... therapy dog is the full term, but Gabriel likes to think he doesn't need Bones for therapy any more; he's just a big daft mess of fluff, and that does it for him. Anyway, spending time with Bones, walking him, playing games, etc. Good hobbies. [*][b]Baking[/b] - He likes to think Zoey is extra lucky, because Gabriel bakes a lot. When he's bored, when he wants to give a present to someone, or when he's stressed. So, he bakes a lot. Also, baking goes well with barbecues; everyone loves pie. [/list] .:| [color=teal][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/color] |:. [indent] [b]Zoey Clarke[/b] – [i]Daughter[/i] – With her Mum out of the picture, Gabriel tried exceptionally hard to do well for his daughter. It seems to have paid off, and the two have a close, loving relationship. They're quite easy-going and free with one another, but he knows enough about parenthood on where to draw the line and put his foot down; she knows that too, but thankfully has enough respect for him to not cross it. Yet... [b]Jameson Jones[/b] - [i]Old friend[/i] - They first met during one of his tours in Afghanistan, and formed a fast friendship from there. Gabe wasn't particularly religious, but he enjoyed talking with James about various things. Following his discharge, he also took part in therapy with James, finding the companionship add some ease in the transition back to regular life - he's happy to be neighbours with him now. [/indent] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Zoey Clarke][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmY4YTIxYi5XbTlsZVNCQ1pYUm9ZVzRnUTJ4aGNtdGwuMAAA/hillbelly-trial.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/c2044dafc55ec5c21c49c38dc7d47dbf/tumblr_inline_njdbruC3Hn1r6xb6e.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/cfe34b26b99d901cad07ecb08f9b808f/tumblr_inline_njdbs238Bq1r6xb6e.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [h2].:| [color=darkorange]Zo[/color] | [color=darkorange]15 (Nearly 16)[/color] | [color=darkorange]Single[/color] | [color=darkorange]Bisexual[/color] | [color=darkorange]Female[/color] |:.[/h2][/center] .:| [color=darkorange][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] |:. [indent] Zoey is a total short-stop next to her Dad, standing at only 5'3 with a slim stature – she doesn't come across as particularly intimidating. Upon closer inspection you can see that her body is toned after years of physically demanding sport and activities – the palms of her hands and soles of her feet are usually calloused to some degree, and various scrapes or bruises can be seen dotted around her body most of the time; either from her varied physical activities, or sheer clumsiness. Further physical attributes left over from either her clumsiness or sports include two sunken knuckles on her right hand after having broken them (Kayaking; 8 years old); a small bump on the left side of her collarbone after having broken that (Jiu Jitsu; 13 years old); and a somewhat straight scar about 4 inches long on her right forearm, from an open fracture wound (Clumsiness – 8 months ago). More bumps and bruises are likely to follow Zoey and her cloddish ways. Her long brown hair – almost as dark as her father's – has a natural wave to it, and can usually be seen hanging loose, or just slung into some form of messy ponytail; she's not one to put much effort into it. Make-up is also a rarity, what with her skin being quite clear and eyelashes being long and dark enough naturally. Clothing is not something she particularly fusses over either, wearing whatever looks good and is suitable for the necessary climate. After having lived in America for so long, she has lost a lot of her native Australian accent; but with constant visits and her Dad's influence, one can still hear that familiar Aussie drawl hidden in her words. [/indent] .:| [color=darkorange][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] |:. [indent] Zoey tends to be far more deadpan and calm than her Dad; although she certainly shares his bluntness. Although reigning it in to avoid insulting most people, she can be as blunt as she wants when it comes to her family – it's not uncommon for her to share jibes and cheeky insults with her Dad; truthful and harsh, but never taken as such, instead with a joking smile and sarcastic look. With this kind of behaviour, it's rare for them to fall out; indeed, Zoey rarely falls out with many a person. This could be that she has simply attracted friends in the past who understood that kind of tactless humour, certainly, but it would be fair to say the girl exhibits a playfulness that many could find refreshing. Beyond her humour, Zoey has an inquisitive and even intuitive nature – having lived with just her Dad, she's learnt to pick up on small things that shows whenever he's having a bad day. While she can't exactly do this perfectly with strangers, she's quick to notice the furrowing of a brow, or a tightening of a fist. From this, she has developed a talent of being a "Good listener". She'll lend a shoulder to lean on for most, should they need it during their troubles – although reluctant to give advice on the possibility it makes things worse, Zoey will be more than happy to just sit and let them talk. It should also be noted that for a girl who can ride a board as smooth as anything without such much as a wobble, it's astounding how clumsy she can be when just walking about; tripping over her own feet, stubbing her toes, smacking her limbs off walls or corners – she broke her nose once by falling over nothing in particular, and bouncing her head off a table. If you're in the same room with her for a long time, expect to hear some form of thud, followed by a profanity or 3.[/indent] .:| [color=darkorange][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] |:. [indent] Zoey is aware that her father feels somewhat guilty for not being there a lot in her early years; but she doesn't hold it against him. Honestly, she can barely remember things – any strong emotions she does recall from her life as a baby are always attributed with happiness; spending time with her grandparents, and seeing her parents when they came back from a tour. She doesn't recall sadness; she doesn't recall missing her mum and dad – the one thing she does recall is her leaving Australia. Although at the age of 5, it was hard to forget the strange look on her Mum's face; the odd feeling when she refused to give her a cuddle or a kiss like she used to when she got back from work. Even worse, when Zoey went with her Dad and never went back home. As the years passed, she grew to understand her father's decision for emigrating; and with that came a strong feeling of dislike and anger towards her mother. Although never so strong as to take over her life, it was a buried feeling that never really went away. However, regardless of this, Zoey's life was pretty good – average, but good. She went to an okay school in California, made plenty of friends; even getting to visit her grandparents and other extended family during the holidays when she and her dad visited Australia. The last thing she expected was to suddenly become a millionaire. Well... daughter of one, anyway. She understood why they had to move (inner-city California was not the place to be for the suddenly rich; not the area they were staying in anyway); but it was somewhat difficult, leaving her old friends behind. From what she'd gathered from various forms of media, the teenagers in this rich, gated community, were not going to be the type she usually hung around with. Her Dad says to give it a chance, so she'll come at it with an open-mind... however, her reservations about her new community remain intact. At least Uncle Jay is nearby. [/indent] .:| [color=darkorange][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b][/color] |:. [indent] Just a student, but wouldn't mind a part time job. [/indent] .:| [color=darkorange][b]H O B B I E S[/b][/color] |:. [indent] [list][*][b]Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu[/b] - She got into the sport at around the age of 5, while still in Australia. Although not competing until far older, she took to the martial art very well, thoroughly enjoying it and wanting to progress through the stages as quickly as possible; her instructors in America appreciated her enthusiasm, and very recently she received her blue belt in the discipline. [*][b]Surfing & Kayaking[/b] - More sports she enjoys; this time with her Dad. These are entirely recreational – Zoey reckons she'd lose interest if she went into competitions for them. [*][b]Road Trips[/b] - Ah, nothing better than the open road, some rock music, and good company. Although she can easily get those last two things at home, there's something exciting about driving nowhere in particular. [*][b]Spoopy Scary Skeletons[/b] - Well, maybe not the song, but scary stuff. Halloween, horror movies, the paranormal – anything with an air of mystery or danger always thrills Zoey and her superstitious ways. Also, who is she kidding, the song is [I]awesome[/i]. [/list] [/indent] .:| [color=darkorange][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/color] |:. [indent] [b]Gabriel Clarke[/b] – [i]Father[/i] – Her Dad means the world to her; she knows the shit he's been through in his life, and she loves him all the more for putting it aside to raise her by himself. Now and then she's annoyed at some of the rules he lays out, but that's generally the case for any healthy father-daughter relationship. Regardless of that, she'll love till the day she dies. [b]Charity Black[/b] – [i]Estranged Mother[/i] – The less said about this one, the better. Zoey feels far more animosity and bitterness towards her mother than Gabriel does; she can't see herself forgiving Charity for the way she treated herself and her Dad. [b]Jameson Jones[/b] - [I]Family Friend[/i] - She knows her Dad's ex-army bud by Uncle Jay, as she has done since a young child. He's spent enough time with herself and her Dad to pretty much be a part of the family.[/indent] [hr] [/hider]