The name of the planet is Ral. Shaped like a massive ring, it experiences many phenomena different from our own. The outside of the planet, scorched by the unstable star it orbits, is an uninhabited desert. The inside is cast in eternal shadow, and plagued by ionic storms of terrifying nature. Humanity, however, is tenacious, and does anything to survive. With the power of technology, the inhabitants of Ral harnessed the energy of the storms, and created a great civilization. Across the whole of the inner surface stretches a massive cityscape. Terminal. Terminal became overpowered by corporations, great business intent on harnessing energy and intellect in new ways. At the forefront of these businesses are the technocrats, those who devote their lives and souls to electronic innovation. The cause is not as noble as it seems; tenacious as they are, humans are also greedy, and greed leads to violence. The corporations of Terminal began to use less and less savory methods to gain the upper hand, until only the most ruthless survived. Like mafiosi, these territorial industries held the inner torus in a cruel grasp. This is the world in which you reside, a world of technological glory and criminal plenty. Justice systems have long since given up hope, leaving the rotting streets awash with pain and violence. In this world, the tortured poor watch from behind sheets of bulletproof glass as aristocrats dine on synthetic drugs. Billboards advertising useless products pierce through the thick smog, accompanied by blaring dialogue about how much you need it. Hookers call out raunchily to mob bosses flying by on their polished limousines. There is nothing good in a city of darkness. Not unless you make it. [hider=More Information]Some more info about Terminal: the cutting edge technology is considered applications of ionic tech, i.e. plasma reduction. Essentially, a gas is super heated and ionized, which gives it a more stable form that can be propelled forward by a slug with the opposite charge. A gas is negatively ionized an superheated, then a positively charged ball is shot from a cannon, which pulls the flaming ball of plasma. Other applications for plasma reduction include vehicular propulsion, force fields against plasma and combustion weapons alike, and plasma swords. The actual energy of the ionic storms themselves is harnessed by the individual companies. All companies are, in essence, electric companies, delivering energy to their prospectively owned regions. They merely manufacture things on the side. In case it hasn't been explicitly stated, the corporations own turfs. Little Italy and surrounding areas are controlled by Vaticorp, headed by Don Popa. Corporations supply all utilities to their domain, and extort the residents by charging heavy prices for both use of these utilities and for 'protection'. Every corporation has a militia, and they engage in turf wars with each other. The militias are built in different ways. Some kidnap citizens and indoctrinate them, some offer the position to the strong, some train every citizen of their domain to fight. Vaticorp is almost exclusively familial, only using outsiders for stooges and grunts. Each company also specializes in a certain commodity. Vaticorp, for instance, manufacturers alcohol. Needless to say, trade does happen between turfs, though it is often high tension and prone to backfire.[/hider] -Character Sheet- Name: Age: Description: (One paragraph if you can, please. Pictures are optional.) Skills: (A list is fine.) Equipment: (A list is fine here too.) Backstory: (At least two paragraphs, please.)