[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] and [color=ec008c]Nikki Hishamie[/color] and [color=00a651]Ingrid[/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f6/Dean_Winchester_in_season_4_episode_1.jpg[/img] [/hider] The earthquake had been unexpected but Kyle could have dealt with just that. When the walkers showed up that was no big deal, that was his everyday. Kat dying.....Kyle was going to mentally punish himself for that. He knew that this time there was litteraly nothing he could have done, but that did not make him feel better. He didnt want anyone else to die. Then the entire mother fucking school blew the fuck up. Kyle swore that things could not get worse. So many people had died. Matt had survived thank god, and so had his child. When Nikki wanted to try to go back in, Kyle stopped her. He held her back, making sure she got to the truck. Kyle had his nine millimeter hand gun, his boot knife, a machete, and his bag full of homemade bombs. Kyle smiled when he felt them. It had been too long since he had done anything with them. Then he realized what an ass he had been the last few weeks. He had been so obsessed with trying to keep everyone safe, only for this to happen. Kyle ran up to Matt, who was slaying walkers with a vengeance. Then he decided to back away. He knew the loss Matt was feeling and deciding he needed some him time. Kyle then ran over to Ingrid. He smield as he killed walkers with her. "So..this may be a bad time but sorry for wanting to kill you before for not trusting you. Believe it or not, I am not usually like-..." Kyle noticed the wound on Ingrid. "Ingrid...you're hurt!" "Yeah, It's sore but I'll survive. I'm more worried about Nikki losing her baby and about Jon's leg right now. I'll survive a little cut. Our fates are all in God's hands now. Right now it doesn't matter how tired or sore or broken we are.It's not in our hands any longer." Ingrid wiped her eyes. "I'm just upset I couldn't get to Kat in time to save her." She stabbed the next walker in the Eye. She looked up and saw more survivors walking towards them. "We are going to need cars to get us all out of here. You should take a couple of guys with you and go get some. Make sure we have wheels. Be careful though-" she said as another quake hit and they lost their balance and fell against the truck. Matt was moving so fast through the walkers that no one alive dared to go near him. He was in his monster state like he was the day he killed Kat's father. Nikki was watching her brother through the window of the truck and she shifted Grace in her arms and kissed the baby. "I love you Gracie." she whispered trying not to cry again. Kyle fell against the truck, looked up, and dived forward still off balance. In mid dive he whipped out his gun and shot a walker in the head that was going for Ingrid. Kyle got back to his feet and looked back at Ingrid. He smiled. "Yea sounds like a plan. Let me check on my wife, and then I can do that." Kyle ran back to the side of truck where Nikki was sitting, and held himself upright on the truck. He saw the state she was in, and his eyes softened. "Nikki...hey....so....today sucks huh? How are you doing babe?" Kyle turned around, pistol whipped a walker in the head, then shot it. Then he turned back to Nikki. "I'm alive. That's about it. I'd be better if Kat had made it....." She looked at her brother past Kyle. "If he had not found Gracie he would have stayed with Kat. I have no doubt of that. As it is he is going to be all over the board for a long time. If he recovers at all. Kat was his world." Nikki wiped her eyes and asked him, "You going to go get some wheels? It is looking like several got out. Be careful of the other buildings. The school isn't the only one falling apart and ..." Right at that moment the fire found the gun powder and there was a HUGE explosion and the school turned into a raging inferno! Nikki jumped and the noise woke Gracie up screaming. Ingrid fell and a walker fell on top of her. She screamed and Matt reached over and yanked it's head clean off of it's body and helped her up. Kyle leaned in and kissed Nikki, then ran over to where the rest of the survivors were fighting off walkers. "Hey Yo! Guys! We need to move out, lets grab some wheels for everyone! Everyone, follow me!" Kyle lead the group of survivors towards the parking lot of the school, slashing and shooting, punching and kicking. Kyle was sad to see one or two of the survivors didnt make it, getting killed by walkers. He tried to lead but also stay with everyone as much as possible, killing any walkers that got too close. When they got to the vehicles, Kyle started assigning people to cars. Everyone except for him was assigned a partner and everyone hopped into a vehicle. Kyle hopped into a blazer,a nd tried to start the vehicle. But to his suprise, it was low of fuel. Kyle slapped the steering wheel and cursed. Just his luck. Kyle looked out the window and saw that others were having the same problem. The walkers were gaining on them. "Ok everyone lets hurry we dont have a lot of time." Kyle hopped out of the blazer and jumped into a silver.grey impala. Kyle started the car and saw the tank was half full. Kyle smiled and drove the car next to the truck Nikki was in. He got out and saw that others were doing the same. [@wick][@belle][@alexfangtalon][@demonic angel][@aintitfun1997][@meowgoeskat][@josephb][@kurai assassin]