"I'll be just fine Cecil, don't worry. This kind of a thing is a breeze for me!" Ethan answered with a smile, "Er... No pun intended." A breeze would be just what he needed to get up, a little push from a gust of wind and climbing to the roof was a simple task. Since they didn't want the guard being savvy to what they were he and Cecil moved around to the side of the building just enough to not be seen from the road, glancing around for an easy way to scale up. No stacked crates or anything so it looked like they would have to get up in one go. Stepping back to let Cecil do his thing Ethan watched as he climbed with relative ease, whistling and giving a thumbs up once his friend had climbed. "Here I come!" Tapping the ball of his foot on the ground he bounced in place before inhaling and focusing on building his magic where he needed it, the ground at his feet kicking up in dust as air was pushed out. With another bounce Ethan crouched before letting his magic go and springing high up into the air, enough so that he cleared the roof and, with less than a graceful landing, came down on top of it with a roll. Not terribly hard to do and nice and quick, now hopefully they could get to the more difficult part. "Come along then Asta, we'll go in through the front." If she knew how to pick a lock efficiently they could try that but where time was crucial Nymira wouldn't even bother trying. At the door she shot the guard a quick glance to see if he was watching, placing her hand over the lock itself and obscuring it from view. Using just the tiniest of flames she easily melted through the metal and yanked the lock free, throwing it aside and preparing to kick in the door. Before she'd even lifted her leg however Wyth had let himself in through a window, his large frame bashing through the flimsy boards and alerting everyone inside. "Damn cat! Fine!" Stepping back Nymira lifted her leg and kicked open the door, promptly drawing her dagger and storming inside. As expected things were already a mess, men everywhere trying to get their weapons while somewhere in another room Wyth was causing havoc. So much for the element of surprise. Ethan had wanted to take a moment before making their move but judging from the shouts down below, and the telltale growls from Wyth, things were already setting off. "You've got to break in now Cecil! Anywhere will work," he said as he pointed to the roof, having no means himself of getting through. Waiting until they had a means of getting down themselves he nodded appreciatively and moved towards the opening, taking just the briefest of glances before stepping out and dropping into the hole... Promptly landing on top of a man down below on his way out. Groaning from the collision Ethan rolled off of the now unconscious slaver, dragging the man from the hole and waving for Cecil to come down as well. "Hey, it's all clear! Come on in!" No sooner had he spoken those words did a door swing open and two men, each armed, came piling in. Smiling uneasily Ethan looked around for something of use and found only a discarded broom, holding it like a sword and causing the men to laugh. Boy did he miss having his sword right now. "Get out of my way!" Nymira was trying to abide by Ethan's wishes of a non-lethal approach and simply take the men down, but it was awfully trying when they didn't have the same inhibition. It went against every fiber of her being and every piece of training not to strike back with her blade, and even without killing them she still left several cuts on her assailants. Sidestepping a man's knife she grabbed his arm and drove up a knee into his elbow to break it, swinging a hard right hand into his face and knocking him out with a good solid punch. "It's like a rats nest... Infested with scum," the Dimuran grumbled as she shook her hand, kicking away the man's knife just to be safe. Where was the room they were being held in? Further inside most likely, probably with more of the slavers guarding their prize. Cowards, they would doubtless try to use those captured as a way to escape. Anyone who did that deserved to die. Ethan was learning a very good lesson about brooms: they were awful for fending off a hatchet and a dagger. He wouldn't be having such a terrible time of trying to fight if he had any real weapon but a broomstick couldn't do much other than break every time it was hit. Holding the two halves, one in each hand, he ducked away from a hatchet before striking out with the rear of the handle, smacking the man in the stomach with it before giving him a quick whack on the head for good measure. "Sorry!" He couldn't be wasting time fighting these men, Amuné was still in trouble and they had to reach her. With the other slaver coming at him with a dagger he dropped down to his hands and knees to avoid being stabbed, grabbing the man's leg and yanking it out from underneath him to cause him to fall. As soon as they hit the ground Ethan was on top of him, the two struggling to get a hold of the dagger. "Hey C-Cecil! Little help please?" "What the fuck is goin' on out there?! What's all the shoutin'!?" one of the men yelled, slamming his hand across a table as fighting could be heard a ways off. Growling when no one had any idea he grabbed his greatsword from a nearby wall and pushed the others out of the way, forcing open the door and storming out of the holding room. Other people were coming and going all over, some in a panic and unarmed and bloodied, others with weapons in hand charging ahead into whatever was causing this problem. Gritting his teeth furiously he moved through the crammed halls and found a dead man laying out from one of the nearby rooms, confused as to why people were running away from it until a large beast burst from the doorway, tackling another man into an adjacent room. "The hell?!" shoving a panicking slaver aside he entered the room and stared wide eyed at Wyth, "How'd you get in here, you filthy cat?"