[h2] Kathra [/h2] My trip along the road was, thankfully, uneventful. I passed a few here and there but all kept to themselves and didn't pose a problem. As I entered the village I was reminded of the state that many people on the outskirts of the kingdoms live in. I've been blessed by being able to live in the capital, but I haven't completely forgotten what life is like outside. On some of our more extended hunting trips we'd commonly see places like this but there was something different here. It's sad, dark, and desperate. Not to mention the uneasy gutt feeling these mountains give me. With no better idea of where to start looking I head to the local Inn and Pub, perhaps I can catch some gossip of this man if nothing else. When I enter I do my best not to look out of place. I don't hesitate at the door looking for what to do or where to go, rather I walk directly to the bar and take a seat. "I'll have a pint." I said to the bar maid when she approached me. Upon getting my drink I take a sip then glance around discreetly.