Lily had spent the time travelling jumping from vine to vine. Sometimes hanging in her arms, other times pouncing from one to the other like a cat was wont to do. All in all, she kept up with the others easily enough, seeing no reason to simply walk with the others. Too boring. She was crouched on a particularly thick vine a ways ahead of the others when the first echoes of sound came to them. Her feline ears stood erect, swivelling—turning—to where the sound had come from. She tensed momentarily, glancing down at Fenn to see that he had picked up on it, too. The others hadn't. Not quite yet anyway. She turned to face the sound, one hand extended to her side as if to grasp an invisible weapon. Below her she saw the rest of them react to the sound that was now louder, and soon after vibrations in the net-like vines. And just then, the one sound she had heard multiplied, surrounding them. Everywhere. They were everywhere. Spiders, big as cars, and far more vicious looking. One thing, however, stood out. They were organic, not metallic. [i]What kind of world has metallic[/i] and [i]organic creatures running about?[/i] It wasn't just that the beasts they had fought earlier were machines, as their guide was also a sentient metal construct. Sapient, even, were she to be kind. That wasn't of much consequence at the moment, however. What was important was the incoming enemies. From her vantage point she was mostly outside of line of sight of any of their adversaries, but evidently not quite enough. There was a sudden blow of air from behind her, as if a lot of air had been displaced in an instant. She turned around just as it lunged at her, its two massive fangs far too close for comfort. She grabbed them, holding them off of her. But even if she had wanted to, she could not simply hold it off indefinitely. She was quick in this form, but she sacrificed a lot of physical strength in return. That being said, she was by no means weak. She shoved the fangs aside and jumped back, using its face as a springboard, her claws leaving several cuts in its face and puncturing at least one eye. She vaulted back, landing on a some distance away. When she looked up again, the spider was gone. Just scuttering away, but gone. As if teleporting. [i]That explains the displaced air.[/i] When she didn't immediately see it try to assault her again, she turned her attention to those farther away. Fenn was already in the thick of it with two already, but there was one that was approaching from behind while he roasted the one currently in his grasp. Even with his chains out, it might get a strike in, and Lily would be damned if anyone harmed her dog. She crouched, then, her entire body tensing. The air around her grew tense, and as it did a a long spear with a broad head materialised in her hands. She angled it forward, towards the spider approaching Fenn from behind. And then she moved. An earsplitting, thunderous boom like a thunderclap tore the air asunder as Lily sped away. The spider never even had a chance to hear her come, the spear and her momentum carrying her forward, into, and through the Spider's abdomen, its heart pierced. It stopped for a moment, staggered, then fell to the side, sliding off of the abyss. Lily rose from where she had all but dented the metallic vines from her impact, covered in blood from the Spider. "Fenn," she said, walking up beside his head, "though they may be relatively easy to kill, we can't get complacent. One misstep and it will be you falling to your doom." She flicked the spear, its straight head curving into the shape of something resembling a mix of a guan dao and naginata. "Don't hold back for pride."