A golden light cast down from the heavens onto the statue as a heavenly voice spoke from above to Leonard. A feeling of prosperity and joy washed over the shrine as a rather satirical song began to ring around the shrine. [b][color=fff200]"You have wished upon the shrine to Banan, but unfortunately I must inform you of bad news to come. A plague of spoiled and rotten fruits will sweep over your land unless you, Leonard, make a large straw adornment and place it onto this shrine's top. You may receive assistance from those around you if you so desire, but you must complete this task by the next half-moon, or the plague will wash over your land."[/color][/b] Honestly, there was no plague. Banan really just wanted a hat on his statue. If he didn't complete the task of making this hat, Banan would forgive and prevent the land from being washed by plagues of spoiled fruit. He wasn't a tyrannical or rude god, just one that wanted dumb things from time to time. [@MonstrousMan]