While Joshua was waiting for a reaction concerning the phone after Luna took one, Chris helped him out unknowingly by presenting the communicators. He even made them waterproof which was obviously geared mostly to Joshua himself and still useful for the rest of the team. The young Atlantean was actually quite impressed that Fang was able to create something like that in basically one night. His raised mood was immediately torn down again after the other Chris appeared. [color=Orange]"Nice costume bud."[/color], Hoverfly mocked Joshua. To disrespect, even in the slightest way, his royal armour and by proxy his atlantean heritage and even more importantly his grandfather and greatest hero was nothing Joshua would let slide. He was pressing his hand so hard into the wall he was leaning on that his handprint was perfectly visible in the stone. [color=0054a6][i]Keep it together... don't let him get under your skin... You could destroy him in a second... Nothing he says matters...[/i][/color] When the Voodoo Priest made his presentation Joshua was still visibly crunching his teeth. [color=0054a6]"I hope they also heal Atlanteans and Demons? I am not completely bulletproof. But still you and Fang both are resourceful. Consider me impressed."[/color] He had just finished uttering those words when Rose showed her full appearance. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Joshua had seen things most people in this rooms would never witness, deep sea caverns, corals shining like tiny stars, swarms of fish with colours not known on the surface... But those wings were a thing they now all witnessed. And they were a thing of dreams... Joshua actually needed a moment to take his eyes of them, [color=0054a6]"Quite a remarkable mutation."[/color] When he stopped glaring at Rose for a few seconds he quickly turned away and unfortunately his eyes met those of Hoverfly. [color=0054a6]"And you, thank you for the compliment. It is the armor of atlantean royalty, like the one worn by my grandfather. Aquaman. Founding member of the Justice League. You might have heard of him in your history lessons if you even attended."[/color], he pointed at him with his trident, [color=0054a6]"And don't you dare even disrespect his legacy in the slightest way, he was more of a man, more of a hero than any of us could ever hope to be. I am blessed by all the gods to be even able to share his blood and I wont let you, OR ANYONE ELSE, mock his legacy and not pay for it with blood!"[/color] The young prince punched a hole in the wall behind him, [color=0054a6]"This is my first and last warning. And only because you said it unknowingly."[/color] The blue eyes of Joshua swept through the room, then he caught himself again, [color=0054a6]"So the plan from last night still stands?"[/color]