I figured the villain team could use another member. [hider=Wulfrik] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/45T4qIr.png[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Wulfrik the Wanderer. Much like every other Warhammer Fantasy character of importance, he possesses many titles. They are as follows: [list] [*] Eternal Challenger [*] Inescapable One [*] World Walker [/list] [b]Universe[/b]: Warhammer Fantasy [b]Appearance[/b]: See above. [b]Personality[/b]: Wulfrik is a model Norscan, beholden to the Dark Gods and his people's way of life. In other words, he values violence, courage, honour, and brotherhood above all else. While cruel and contemptuous towards cowards and those who refuse to honour the Ruinous Powers, he respects any honourable warrior he considers to be worthy. Among his brothers-in-arms, Wulfrik displays his capacity as a leader of men, in regards to both tactics and a savage form of charisma. While prideful and prone to boasts, a great deal of his seemingly outlandish claims are, in fact, truthful. One should also note that in spite of his brutish demeanour, Wulfrik is possessed of a remarkable wit, and is a master wordsmith. Granted, his wordplay is chiefly composed of coarse insults as opposed to flowery poetry, but it is worthy of respect all the same. [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Champion of Chaos Undivided[/i]: Wulfrik honours all four of the Ruinous Powers in equal measure, and in return is granted the blessings of the quartet. His physical attributes greatly exceed that of mortal men, with his strength being the most famed amongst his traits. Giants, Dragons, Sea-serpents, and even Daemons cannot hope to match Wulfrik in a contest of raw might. He also possesses remarkably strong and sharp teeth. [i]Peerless Duellist[/i]: Far from being an unthinking berserker, Wulfrik's mind houses a wealth of knowledge concerning warfare and swordplay, garnered from thousands of battles and duels. While the Wanderer, in his arrogance, regards himself as the greatest warrior to have ever lived, he has yet to be proven wrong. [i]The Seafang[/i]: Wulfrik's personal longship, and the reason for why he is known as the [i]Inescapable One[/i]. With an offering of his own blood, Wulfrik may invoke the daemons bound within its figurehead to enter the Realm of the Gods. The vessel will then traverse this nightmarish plane upon the Winds of Chaos, and re-enter the material world wherever Wulfrik wills it (within reason, as the Seafang cannot enter a space smaller than itself). It is also worth noting that the vessel's powers are contained within the figurehead, and will continue to function even if the rest of the longship is destroyed. Note: leaving the boat while in the Realm of the Gods is not advised. Note 2: the Seafang was recently rebuilt using the wood of the ancient Trolltree, rendering it far more durable than appearances would suggest. Note 3: Any new passenger boarding the Seafang must provide a sample of their blood, marking them as part of Wulfrik's crew. Beings that do not possess blood are exempt from this for reasons that shouldn't have to be explained. [i]Gift of Tongues[/i]: By the will of the Dark Gods, Wulfrik's tongue has been transfigured into a sharp and fluted thing, akin to that of a bird. As a result, Wulfrik is fluent in [i]every[/i] language that has ever existed, even those from beyond his world. Not only that, but it permits him to issue challenges peppered with venomous insults in a foe's mother tongue, inciting fury and a lust for battle within them. To date, no one has resisted a challenge issued forth by the World Walker. [i]Chaos Armour[/i]: An ornate plate harness, fashioned by a master smith of the Chaos Dwarves. Forged from unknown (and potentially living) material, it is capable of withstanding immense punishment. To pierce it, one must possess either immense might or some manner of ensorcelled weapon. As a testament to Wulfrik's countless victories, his armour is festooned with trophies, most of which are the remains of those he has slain. [i]Sword & Shield[/i]: Technically not magical, but sturdy enough to withstand Wulfrik's immense strength, which is a quality unto itself. The shield also happens to be adorned with the flayed skin of a slain warrior. Quite fetching. [i]Curse of Pride[/i]: In return for his hubris, the Gods have charged Wulfrik with the monumental task of proving his superiority over the greatest warriors within the mortal realm and beyond. Thus, he is made to search far and wide for warriors of renown, and claim their lives for the Ruinous Powers. Should he die with this task unfinished, disgrace and eternal suffering await him. Additionally, Wulfrik is often visited by cryptic visions in his sleep, so as to guide him to his next battle. [b]Alliance[/b]: Team Zuriel [b]Other[/b]: Let's just say that the End Times didn't happen. [/hider] I'll have the personality section done in a jiffy. Edit: Personality section is done.