All three of the main were my favorites, though especially Spock and Mccoy (especially how they bounced off each other and sparred). The dynamic among them was enjoyable. I also enjoyed Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura though. By that I mean dynamic wise. Part of the fun of the original series and something they somewhat tried to emulate with all other versions of Star Trek was how the "main three" could play off each other in an id-ego-superego matter or in other words emotion, logic, and the choice between. Explained well on Tvtropes about the [url=]Freudian Trio[/url]. It's not a big deal, mostly just for the fun. The only way to get the same dynamics would be to have the same characters as the original. T'Plior is mostly a Spock, but has a very Mccoy-ish part to her. Your Mccoy-ish captain and her might have the same sort of snipe battles or they may head a very different direction. However it turns out, we'll have fun either way (if anyone else expresses interest).