[quote=@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] [@Prince of Seraphs] I dun goof'd and posted in the wrong tab. Here it is: [hider= GERALT. OF. RIIIVVVIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!] [b]Name[/b]: Geralt of Rivia, also known as “Gwynbleidd” (Meaning “White Wolf” in Elder Speech) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: At least 97, possibly over 120-130. We’ll go with about 120. [b]Game[/b]: The Witcher Series [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://witcherhour.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/grandmaster-wolven-gear-look.jpg[/img] [b]Equipment[/b]: A Steel sword, a Silver sword, 4 [u]Dimeritium[/u] bombs (These block the usage of magic in an area for about 30 seconds), 4 [u]Grapeshot[/u] bombs (These detonate into a deadly blast of shrapnel). [u]Hanged Man’s Venom[/u] (A blade oil containing a poison deadly to humans and humanoid creatures like elves, dwarves and such), [u]Draconid oil[/u] (A blade oil which is poisonous to draconic creatures). A flask containing five doses of [u]Swallow[/u] (A potion which improves the healing of wounds and the body’s recovery from them), and another containing five doses of [u]Cat[/u] (A potion which grants sight even in total darkness, as well as an immunity to hypnotic effects for around half an hour). One hunting knife, with a smooth front edge and serrated back edge. A hand crossbow with 30 small bolts (mostly for hunting, but the bolts are capable of harming humans with even light armor, due to the crossbow’s shockingly high draw weight). Geralt wears a suit of leather armor, which can be seen in the image included above. As with most leather armor, it best protects against attacks from blades and claws. In addition to these, Geralt also carries the alchemical ingredients necessary to create two more batches of his oils, potions and bombs. Finally, Geralt’s Wolf medallion acts as a magic detector, vibrating when in the presence of magic, to a scale equivalent to the strength of the magic present. [b]Abilities[/b]: The simplest way to describe Geralt’s slew of abilities is to simply say that he is beyond human. Geralt’s Witcher mutations allow him to excel in the arts of hunting and of battle. He is extremely quick and agile, unnaturally strong, boasts superhuman reflexes, and possesses stamina reserves that put all natural humans to shame. He is capable of manually controlling his metabolism, allowing for long periods of meditation without need of food or water, or to purge unwanted toxins from his system rapidly. He has superior regenerative abilities, allowing wounds that would otherwise be crippling or fatal to heal within but a day or two. Additionally, Geralt is heavily resistant to poisons and disease, allowing him to imbibe the extraordinarily toxic potions that Witchers use. He houses a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the various potions, bombs, decoctions (a type of temporary mutagen using the essence of a monster to gain some of its strengths), and oils he can create. He can easily and readily identify the ingredients to these, though they are not always readily available, of course. Along with that knowledge, Geralt also knows the names, appearances, behavioral patterns, and weaknesses of every type of monster to roam the Continent, though this knowledge is of less use against creatures he hasn't researched or fought, including humans. He can, of course, use this knowledge to approximate what may work against any monsters he comes up against. This knowledge is also useful in performing autopsies, though Geralt lacks the proper tools to perform all but the most basic autopsies. Geralt also possesses superhuman senses: cat-like eyes which can see perfectly well in all but the darkest of nights and a nose that rivals that of the best bloodhounds. Geralt is well-versed in deciphering and breaking curses. Simple or complex, normal or exotic, Geralt can almost always find a way to uncover the facts behind a curse, piece together how to break it, and succeed in doing so. Sometimes the most difficult part of a curse is finding the words, and sometimes it is simply accomplishing the task which needs doing. Nevertheless, Geralt can be trusted to shatter the hold of nearly any curse. Geralt is expertly skilled at both swordfighting, marksmanship, and horseback riding. He has participated in many contests of all three skills, outperforming even well-renowned champions of each skillset. Some of this expertise he owes to his mutations, and some he owes simply to his many years of live. Finally, Geralt is capable of using a variety of magical signs for quick, but complex magical results. These signs are as follows: [i][u]Quen[/u][/i] produces two types of shields capable of absorbing and dispersing large amounts of kinetic energy before explosively shattering, sending foes reeling. The first is passive and offers lesser protection, while the second requires an active concentration and is capable of weathering greater stress; [i][u]Axii[/u][/i] assails the foe’s mind, stunning them or making them obey a simple command from the user; [i][u]Aard[/u][/i] looses a powerful blast of telekinetic energy, capable of sending even great wyverns off balance; [i][u]Yrden[/u][/i] places a trap which can slow other creatures which pass through it, as well as intelligently destroying projectiles fired through its radius; [i][u]Igni[/u][/i] launches a blast of fire capable of sundering armor and lighting enemies aflame. It can also be concentrate for a more intense, more focused stream of flames. [b]Weaknesses and Limitations[/b]: Despite his manifold abilities, Geralt is still human. His enhanced healing still takes time to work unless he makes use of his Swallow potions, and he still requires the staples of life: food, water, sleep, and air. After a period of heavy damage and healing, he’ll need to eat quite a bit to recover that energy. His signs, while powerful, drain his fabled stamina heartily; it can take a few seconds for him to recover his energy and willpower before utilizing another. Geralt is also often treated as a subhuman by those who hold such views; his mutations and inhuman abilities, along with the reputation of Witchers as cold-blooded killers, often leaves Geralt on the outskirts of society. [b]Personality[/b]: Geralt is, for all intents and purposes, a mercenary, and thus he often comes across as aloof or uncaring. However, Geralt is a strong believer in equality among sentient creatures, as well as justice. He often betrays his contractors if he discovers that the monster he has been hired to slay is not a threat, or circumvents the details of his contracts to meet a non-violent resolution if one is possible. He is well-known throughout Skellige, the Northern Realms and the Nilfgaardian Empire as a fierce and loyal friend, willing to traverse through veritable nightmares for those he holds dearest. [b]Backstory[/b]: Born to a sorceress and a warrior, Geralt was brought to “Witcher School” as a young boy. After surviving the Witchers’ rite of passage, the Trial of the Grasses, Geralt voluntarily underwent a series of experimental mutations which killed all other subjects. He managed to survive these experiments, however, and became a Witcher unlike any other. Geralt has fought all manner of creatures, from wyverns to kings to trolls and vampires. He was killed once, only to reappear years later with no recollection of his past, though he likely won’t be able to recreate this feat without a powerful sorceress at his side. Speaking of powerful sorceresses, Geralt has romanced two: Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg. His fate was once sealed to Yennefer’s by a Djinn, but the two recently severed their magical bond and affirmed their love to be unbroken by the lost of that magical tether. [b]Entry Point[/b]: Geralt has just fought off the Wild Hunt at Skellige, having slain Eredin in combat, and watched Ciri survive her foray into the end of the world to stop the White Frost. She will have to face the duties of being Empress without her surrogate father, though she will have Yennefer’s support on her side. Geralt, however, has been stripped of all that he loves and holds dear. [/hider] [/quote] [@Prince of Seraphs] This requires your review good sir.