[Hider=The Rogue Calab - Arlus Vulcan] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EXJXyKO.png?3[/img] Name: Arlus 'Pouncer' Vulcan Race: Turian Gender/Age: Male, 31 Appearance: Arlus is larger than most Turians and stands at Eight foot two inches in height. He has light gray colored skin and has Cyan colored face paint, he has three piercings on his lower left mandable that go over a scar. His left eye is blue while his right is green, he is usually seen wearing Heavy Armor but does not seem to have a mobility problem. On rare occasions Arlus can be seen wearing a verity of mix matched civilian clothing. Class/Specialization: Vanguard Weapons: M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle, M-3 Predator, Venom Gauntlets, M-96 Mattock. Powers: Throw, ShockWave, Barrier, Lift, Warp Affiliation/Occupation: Ex-Calab, Smuggler, Underground Pouncer Intel Unit - The Unnamed Background: Born and raised on Palaven Arlus was to be the oldest of two other siblings all of which would show signs of biotic abilities later down the road, at the age of 15 he joined the Turian military, but by this time was already showing signs of being a biotic and thus was separated and put into a Calab unit. His unit only consisted of 14 other Turians, land by a Truian by the name of Rayen Vezor This particular got the nickname of Pouncer Squad for there eagerness to take a mission. Arlus traveled all over the galaxy with his unit, moving from base to base, ship to ship. Most of the Calabs in his units where primarily CQC specialists, but Arlus wanted more then just that, he wanted to be able to maintain, fix and build things such as weapons, armor and field logistics equipment, he also wanted to be able to reach out an touch a target if need be so be began to practice with an asortment if rifles, everything from assault rifles to sniper rifles which in turn he grew fond of both and became the squads long range specialist and field maintenance specialist. From there he would use this to conduct long range recon and overwatch when on missions. It was not till later around the age of 28 that he wanted to be more and do something else. He found his chance to do that when a firefight broke out between his small squad and a large group of Eclipse Mercs, As he was making his escape to get off the grid from the turian military and out of the firefight he was stopped by Rayen and would be forced to attack so he could be free, but upon getting to upper hand on Rayen after an intense hand to hand fight, Arlus subdued Rayen and let him live before leaving. A year later Arlus would reach-out to Rayen and apologize and explain why he did what he did, and was shocked to find out that Rayen and the rest of his squad had later also decided to leave and go off the grid, a few months later Arlus meet with Rayen and his squad mates on Omega for a small reunion, the group traded contact information and anything that might help one another before parting ways but not before Rayen offers him and the rest of the squad a proposal to create a underground intelligence unit who are willing to work with just about anyone for a price, the only people that they refuse to work for are any known large military groups and groups that they have had conflict with, later the group would be know as The Unnamed. Now Arlus spends his time still traveling around taking odd jobs when he can find them such as a gun for hire, personal pilot or if someone need something or someone smuggled, he is not afraid to take on any of the Merc groups if asked but he will always want information and will get it any way he sees fit even if he needs to rough someone up here or there. From time to time he passes information to Rayen and the rest of the squad to keep them up-to-date on his where about's and to keep tabs on the on his squadmates in-case for some reason he or any of them is ever looked for by the Turian military that he constantly monitors. Personality: Arlus has a natural affinity with machinery, logistics and gear maintenance. Often he is able to discern the mechanical workings of almost any device he can observe for a short while. He's also been noted to treat machinery and drones with uncommon respect, and has been caught thanking the machines he works with politely, regardless of their non-sentience. Interestingly, his equipment rarely, if ever, fails on him, and the armors, weapons and machines he's produced have shown similar reliability. Arlus has spent many long years tempering himself to be incredibly patient and understanding, with an optimistic and altruistic attitude. Experience has made him rather pragmatic with regards to most things, though he does understand and enjoy the more artistic things in life when he's more relaxed. He also has developed a confrontational attitude with regards to authority figures he feels have not earned their position or have lost sight of their purpose. In a social situation Arlus would rather take a step back and observe than go head first into a conversation, though he is not afraid to speak up if he feels the need to, he does give off a lone wolf vibe, wanting to keep his distance and not wanting to get attached to someone, but underneath the quiet shell is someone who cares and will have your back at a moments notice, gain Arlus as a close friend and you have a friend for life. It is highly advisable not to get on Arlus's bad side or betray his trust. Though he is rather slow to anger, understanding of people's flaws, and easy to get along with, shows of blatant, inexplicable malicious intent are often met with an incredibly hostile response. Arlus's reaction to high levels of frustration is often very hot and emotional, but his true anger is as cold as the void, and he is very patient and can be tremendously sadistic, and very forgiving of himself for whatever he does if he truly feels justified. [/Hider]