[quote=@Vilageidiotx] holy shit we thought you forgot us forever we been waiting for your next post [/quote] Dude, PoW was my childhood. Not something easily forgotten. Life gets in the way but every once in a while I beat it back - in this case I took a bunch of adderall to help me study at about 6 pm today but it didn't kick in until 1 am, so after getting out of bed and aggressively cleaning my room for an hour I started texting someone I know about starting a D&D group and somehow the conversation shifted to nerdy things we'd done as kids. I mentioned PoW and she asked to see so I went digging around our old MCF posts and was instantly like shit it has been far too long. So here I am. It's 4 in the morning and I'm way more hyperactive than I should be, but if the only way to beat back life is to take amphetamines and not sleep then that's cool I guess. How's everybody doing? (Also holy fuck I'm a sophomore in college and i started doing this as a freshman in high school. Can we take a brief moment to appreciate how long you guys have lasted? Why isn't this an HBO miniseries yet, again?)