-Character Sheet- Name: Gabanre Von Houten Age: 25 Description: I do not know if this is acceptable, if not I have an 2nd one which will be it then. 1(Primairy): After suffering a big accident in a plamsa storm, his family, which was really rich paid a lot of money to save Gabanre. Due to this he is half cyborg with his right leg and right arm being cyberbernetics. The other side of his body is normal human. Since he thinks it looks weird, he prefers to wear a long cape as good as always. He has short blonde hair and almost no facial hair. One of his eyes is a cybernetic and the other one is just normal. 2(Secondary, if first option not allowed): Short blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears black clothes most of the time but is not gothic. Skills: 1(Primairy): He is agile but not really strong in the human part, but his cybernetics make those parts stronger then human. His eye calculates the speed of plasma and makes him able to dodge them when he has vision on the bullet. He prefers to use his sword over anything else 2(Secondary): He was trained for a special ops for one of the "Energy Providers". So he is capable using plasma guns and plasma swords, he prefers the last. Due to this he is quite agile but not really strong. He knows how to sneak and is capable of stealth. Equipment: 1(Primairy): Cybernetic eye, cybernetic right arm and leg. Plamsa sword Black coat 2(Secondary): Plasma gun and Plamsa Sword Black coat Backstory: 1(primairy): After suffering a big accident in a plamsa storm, his family, which was really rich paid a lot of money to save Gabanre. After that he has been in the hospital for around 1 and an half year. When he got out of the hospital most of the world was already corrupt, aswell as his family. This made him sad, thus he ran away from his family. He never had a permanent home after that. He made money by being a mercenary for maffioso. And due to this has quite a good knowledge about that world. When the maffioso he worked for last tried to kill him, he wiped the entire family of the ground. When he noticed that he could do a lot on his own, he started to make justice on the planet. His nickname is "The Reaper of Souls" named after all the killing he does out of justice. 2(Secondary): After a long training in a special academy he got to do his first mission, which was to assasinate one of the more powerfull maffioso leader. He impressed the maffioso by straight up killing the guy he was supossed to kill, and they invtited him to the maffioso. When he declined he got attacked by the Maffioso, forced to flee he ran up the streets and that was here he met someone special to him. A woman who thought about justice all the time called: Diana Moon. Whom decided to adopt him. After his adoption he got a lot of missions to kill wrongdo-ers. After a lot of succes he got caught by one of his instructors. And thus a period of captivity started. It was a hard time and he had to under go a lot of experiments on his body. One of the was the infusion of plasma, which left him with one special power to create force fields with his mind. After around a year Diana got him free, but died in the process. Her last words were: "GO, GO for your self.... You can get this planet good again." after that she died.