[quote=@FamishedPants] The fuck is going on in this roleplay. "Lets fight because I have a superiority complex and you implied I wasn't the best. Just the best!" "I'll save you from the blow that wouldn't kill you!" "I'll save [b]YOU[/b] from the blow that probably wouldn't kill her!" Nani the fuck. This is rather entertaining, though I am not sure how I am going to have Aleph respond. This was not something I expected to happen. It reminds me of a roleplay I was once in where I used a loli as a sword, was defeated and about to be executed when another roleplayer decided to tank the blow for me (she died in the process). Good times. [/quote] She never said she was the best once. She just doesn't like being disrespected XD Also it never occurred to them she could stop the attack, didn't it?