[@VeilanK] Yes, we are in the same cave, it's to make things easier and quicker, and so everyone can group up together. [@TalijaKey] The power is weak because all it does is makes a fake copy of yourself, an illusion. The copy can't do anything but distract. For Kamen One: He would be a 'Fire Dragon' for his species since he breaths fire. If you want him as a earth dragon, he could shoot out stone spikes, eat rocks of any kind and shoot out lava, etc. Two: You need to change his history, since I haven't given any info on the cave, or what actually happened yet. Leave it vague, you can say everything went silent, sure. Also, he won't be ready to hatch until everyone else is unless you want a 'lazy' egg and you will have him stay in the egg for a little longer while everyone hatches. [@Maria 127] Good Cs, however you will have to change the bio a little. Everyone will be in the same area, around the same room. (Which is very large, like 2-3 football pitches long) So you can be anywhere in the room and be away from others if you want. The type of dragon wouldn't really work. If you want a bone dragon, then you can breath fire/ice/etc. However, it isn't really a bone dragon from the image as it isn't boney. If anything, it is most likely to be a undead dragon which will be able to breath Acid, poison, and even narcotic breath, which is what you wanted in the first place.